Tag Archives: caregiver

The Sounds of Summer

Where’s your happy place? That perfect spot which can instantly bring on a release of tension and care?

When I was still teaching, I was sitting in a hot tub at a favorite vacation locale, head tilted back on the concrete edge, letting all the deadlines, reviews, test scores, and graduation ceremonies just slip away from me, while the relaxing bubbles beating my back did their job.

Aaaaahhhh …

Simply remembering and anticipating the return of that moment kept me going those last weeks of the semester. Even thinking about it now, brings on immediate relaxation.

Piecing together information about stress management tools for my up-coming book, Toolkit for Caregiver Emotions and Resilience Building, brought the benefits of both a Guided Grounding exercise and using an Escape Kit to my attention.

What’s happening when we deep dive into a memory for relief?

In initially absorbing an experience and recalling it, we are using all our senses. Each one is engaged to add focus.

Every sense is adding layers of texture and meaning, some mingling with others like the colors of an oil painting at the hand of a skilled artist.

Sit back and close your eyes while you think again of your happy place …

What are you seeing?

Name five things you can see. Ex.: blue sky, beach plane pulling a banner, families splashing around the pool, the couple in the lounge chairs sporting lobster-worthy sunburns, people on their balconies taking in the view.

What are you feeling/sensing?

Name four things you are feeling. Ex.: the warmth of the sun, the sea breeze, the heat and bounce of the water in the hot tub, the texture of the concrete steps.

What are you hearing?

Name three things you are hearing. Ex.: the background chatter of children in the pool, the water bubbling from the jacuzzi, music coming from the poolside DJ.

What are you smelling?

Name two things you are smelling. Ex.: the smell of the chlorinated water, the scent of sunscreen being sprayed on skin.

What are you tasting?

Name one thing you are tasting. Ex.: The last trace of Dove Dark Chocolate.

Driving home from a happy event last night, I could hear the sounds of summer coming through the closed car windows. Was that the night song of cicadas? One group was sounding off and then another group appeared to answer.

Dark of night, moon glow, heat lingering in the air, the pulse of the sounds – I wanted to stay outside for hours just to soak it in.

The cicada conversations sounded different this morning, but I took a short video. Take a moment to experience the sounds of summer with me. Perhaps you would be willing to share some of your moments.

Dive into your five senses right where you are. As you identify what your five senses are experiencing, notice the calming feeling that washes over you.

This is called Guided Grounding and is easy as 5-4-3-2-1.

In health,


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There’s No Place Like Home, Toto …

We interrupt this hurricane to give you the following important announcement. Toolkit for Caregivers, is now published and available for purchase on Amazon! As a bonus, a second book – Toolkit for Caregiver Survival – is included. That’s right. Two books for the price of one and under one cover!

If you are young, healthy, and thinking that becoming a caregiver to your parents or spouse is decades away, the bonus book is for you now. There’s a way to approach caregiving that will make future family dynamic transitions less traumatic for all involved.

You see, we never know when that job description of “caregiver” will be plopped into our laps. Sometimes a slow aging process or predictable disease progression is not what happens.

Sometimes life turns on a dime, and we find ourselves assisting a loved one healing from a sudden accident or surgery.

Sometimes, after a brief period of not feeling well, we are hit with a crushing diagnosis.

Being a caregiver to a loved one at home is not reserved for grandma helping grandpa in his 90s. In fact, the average age of caregivers of loved ones at home is 49 years old.

The new term coined by the Hospice Foundation of America is “Silver Tsunami.” This tidal wave of Baby Boomers becoming Medicare eligible at a rate of 10,000 a day is not only going to need the services of a loving family caregiver, but is also going to become a caregiver for someone at home in the future.

This represents a double-edged sword for the Baby Boomers AND creates family transitions across the generations. Truly, no one is immune from caregiving issues.

The five-star reviews are coming in for this new release, and reflect readers’ appreciation of the information provided in this double book.

Why don’t you check it out yourself here:

The preview feature will give you a meaningful peek inside. You will notice from the table of contents, I have made every effort to answer caregiver concerns that no other book does.

Whether you are decades away from becoming a caregiver to a loved one, or you are starting to see the handwriting on the wall and know you may be entering the world of caregiving, this double offering of Toolkit for Caregivers will guide you through the most challenging job description ever given to someone.

These tips, skills, and wisdom for before, during and after will become a lifeline so you can avoid common pitfalls, make your loved one more comfortable, and enable you to maximize the time you have together.

Toolkit for Caregivers is for you. It’s for your friends and family. It’s for your doctor, nurse. It’s for your home health and Hospice agency. It’s helpful for funeral homes as they support those in pre-planning or those just new to grieving. There’s something for everybody.

Foodtalk4you is all about sharing useful information. I decline offers to monetize this site because I do not want to keep hounding my readers with pop-up ads, op-ins, and buy-this-now offers. I just want to share pertinent information that could make a difference in improving life.

Please share this book link with some of the 40 million plus caregivers of loved ones at home, your families and friends, and with those individuals and organizations that ultimately serve caregivers.

My immediate sharing goals include local presentations to groups in the Carolinas. Because I am just one person, there is an on-line option for Caregiver Workshops that I will be exploring. Anyone interested in a Caregiver Workshop with a book signing, please contact me at: Deidre@ToolkitsForHealth.com.

Now, let’s return to our Hurricane Dorian coverage on the Weather Channel.

Our life in the Carolinas could radically change this week.

Prayers that my lovely historical town will not get flooded again; we are still rebuilding after last year’s Florence.

In health-


Staying Balanced

Are you feeling like you need to come up for air? Gasping and gulping in fresh air before taking another dive? That’s me, too! Taking vacations can definitely help, but we need to “breathe” more often than that.

I am already seeing some leaves changing color. Yesterday, a couple yellow leaves skittered across the still verdant and rapidly growing lawn. A quick look around at some sassafras saplings showed speckles of orange leaves.

Where’s the ‘pause’ button? Summer’s half over and there are already signs of fall in mid-July! Yikes!

One thing I’ve gleaned from our daughter’s successful completion of residency in family medicine – is how to survive and thrive. She had, very carefully, selected a residency program that ensured plenty of coping skills with all of its residents including:

  • Weekly group, how-are-you-doing, sessions of sharing the good/bad/ugly happenings, which became spring boards for processing their intense experiences.
  • Every-other-week meditative sessions with the entire group of residents took mental processing into the physical and spiritual realm.
  • Naturally, there was regular exercise emphasizing outdoor experiences … often in groups.
  • Frequent and spontaneous group meals, featuring nutritious whole food.
  • Their group was ever-vigilant to ‘pick up a brother’ when they fell into difficult times.
  • Lots of hugs. The real ones that last for at least three breaths. The healing kind.

What’s the ‘take away’ from all of this?

We cope and heal on so many levels, that a multifaceted approach is best.

In my case as a 24/7 caregiver, just getting away several times a week has helped – but only so much. Solo trips to the gym or walks around the waterfront answered only a part of my needs.

A quiet lunch with a friend or two is helpful; but sharing a meal with several friends meets needs you might not know were there.

What is the dynamic of a larger group?

Perhaps it’s because the conversation is not just about us.

We pour our hearts out to a friend — and that has its place.  Usually in group conversation, however, the talk bounces around; others throw thoughts into the mix, and more diverse news is shared.

There is so much more inner balance to be experienced when we participate in groups of 5-6 or more. Our perspective broadens and, quite frankly, it is so refreshing to have the focus on someone else for a bit. Additionally, we may be just who someone else needs to provide a different thought or a helping hand.

I am seeing that the scope of my ‘balancing needs’ is much broader than I had thought.

  • Improved nutrition- check
  • Time away from responsibilities- check
  • Gym 2-3 times a week-check
  • Meals with a friend or two- check
  • Personal meditation and prayer- check
  • Small group activities — need to do this more

Life is like a multifaceted gem. We need to move it around to let the light shine into all of its angles in order to appreciate its full brilliance.

Coping and balancing are the same. Are you shining light into all of your facets to achieve that inner balance?

I’m still learning … and that’s the best part!

Always learning.








In Times of Stress

What do you do in times of stress? How do you recover? What calms you? Where do you find peace?

I have disappeared because of a heightened family medical situation Food-talk-4-u-stress-1that has certainly taken a toll on all of us. The crisis of the other day is over, but we are facing the new “normal” and anticipating more downward changes. What was a logical future weakness has arrived and is no longer theoretical. Four and a half hours in medical offices one day, followed by appointments the next, really takes a toll.

Food-talk-4-u-stress-5My starch is all gone. Recharging is needed. Caregivers need to take care of themselves in order to take care of the loved one.

Reaching out to family and friends is vital to staying grounded, don’t you think? There are things you do not share with family, though, and that’s where friends come in! Thank God for both family and friends! Thank God for life and love itself!

I have had to step back from posting because, well, there was no time left, let alone energy. That is still somewhat the case. Food-Talk-4-U-squirrel

I regroup in God’s creation as seen from my back porch! Feeding humming birds, cardinals, blue jays, mocking birds, and the like, as well as my beloved squirrels, is what keeps me smiling! Porch time is definitely needed. Being outdoors, watching, and listening to the plentiful activity is “soul sauce” for me!

Food-Talk-4-U-scrambled-eggsKnowing stress really takes a toll on everyone experiencing it, makes me even more mindful of feeding my body only nutrient-dense food. This is no time for junk food… Not that there ever is any around here! Big Egg Scramble this morning with…You guessed it…Left over zoodles! Still lots of fresh veggies to go with lean protein at night. Never, ever any gluten!

Exercise should not be throwcaregiver-hin out the door, either! Sometimes exercise is just what is needed to get the blood stirring around a little bit better and to engage the mind on something else. I literally have just paused from writing this and come back from doing 6 slow-motion non-weighted squats; ten count down, ten count hold, ten count up. Didn’t want to do it, but I feel better now! So simple. If the temperature outside doesn’t get to unbearable today, I’ll go for a walk, too.

Food-talk-4-u-stress-2Since the detox phase is breadless even if the bread is gluten-free, I will share with you an awesome all-purpose gravy recipe that goes great on all kind of meat. That will be in the next post.

Now, off to the porch for prayers of thanksgiving and to soak up God’s creation!
