Category Archives: Food Talk 4 You!

One of the most important elements to good health is how you fuel your body. Let’s talk about how you can make sure the fuel you are using is the best it can be!

Pumpkin Puree Goodies From Leftovers

Leftovers to the rescue!

After enjoying that amazing Pumpkin Mushroom Risotto recently, I was tasked with using leftover full-fat coconut milk and pumpkin puree. Two great ingredients. Soup? Custard?


Meanwhile, back in the pantry – I spy a box of Gluten-Free Cornbread Mix. Yay!



It’s that honey-sweetened cornbread mix I bought in desperation when I didn’t have the right ingredients to make regular gluten-free cornbread on my own.

If I’m eating a bowl of chili, honey-sweetened cornbread is not what I want. Hardly ever would I want sweet cornbread – unless I take regular cornbread and indulge myself in putting honey on top to call it dessert – just saying.

Cornbread mix on the sweet side, paired with pumpkin and yummy coconut milk? Now that could be interesting.

Deidre’s Experimental Kitchen opens!

Armed with my Danish stirrer – EVERYONE should have one – and my favorite bowl, I’m on my way!

The mix calls for 1 cup of milk. Okay. Measure out the leftover canned-coconut milk and add enough unsweetened almond milk to make 1 cup.

One-third cup of vegetable oil is needed. Check. Avocado oil it is.

One egg. Done.

Then, I added the leftover canned pumpkin puree totaling 2/3 of a cup.

How about some ground flax seed to ramp up the fiber content? I added a generous 2 tablespoonfuls.

Flax absorbs fluid. Is the pumpkin enough to adjust for that? I added a splash or two of additional almond milk – just in case.

Add the mix to the bowl and stir.

Measure the batter out equally into the greased 12-count muffin tin.

Bake at 350 degrees in a preheated oven for 18-21 minutes. Test with a toothpick for doneness.

Once removed from the oven, let muffins rest for two minutes then put the individual muffins on a cooling rack.

A star is born!

These lovely cornbread/honey/pumpkin/coconut milk/flax muffins came along just in time to share with someone who needed comfort today.


Muffins are a great way to say, “I care.”

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In health –


Chia Variations With a Full Court Press

It’s come to this.

We are always in a full court press around here to get enough fiber in our diets. There’s a running joke that, “It’s come to this…” as we face our morning routine of consuming flax, chia, Metamucil, and sometimes fiber gummies.

Good grief.

Did you know that women should try to eat at least 21 to 25 grams of fiber a day, while men should aim for 30 to 38 grams a day?

What would that look like? Just eat an apple, right?

Well, ladies and gentlemen, based solely on apples, what we need translates to a range of 4.6 – 8.4 apples a day.

That’s a lot of crunching on raw apples!

One cup of cooked quinoa will net us 5 grams of fiber, and a cup of cooked black beans packs in 15 grams of fiber.

The list goes on HERE, but you can see how hard it can be to get enough fiber consistently.

Why should we care about fiber?

The trifecta of adequate fiber/water/exercise is paramount for a happy, functioning gut. Decreases in any or all three elements will create problems with elimination and colon health.

Fiber also contributes to feeding the good guys in our gut/microbiome which, in turn, helps control our immune response, levels of inflammation, and ultimately, affects all aspects of our health.

Yes, fiber is our friend – unless you increase your fiber intake too quickly, causing gas and bloating; fail to drink enough water, or you have a pre-existing condition such as IBS/IBD (irritable bowel syndrome/disease) or Chron’s Disease.

Read here to learn more.

By increasing the feeling of satiety/fullness, fiber can help reduce the risk of obesity. Its function

in lowering cholesterol helps reduce the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure.

So, how do we move our diets toward having higher fiber content?

Meatless Monday – switch out the protein element to some form of high fiber legumes (ex: black beans, cooked dried beans/peas).

Switch out white rice for brown rice or quinoa.

Make sure to have half of your plate reflect high fiber vegetables: HERE including artichokes, Brussels sprouts, kale, collards, beets and beets greens, turnip greens, and mustard greens.

Switch out the baked white potato for a baked sweet potato.

And…consider adding a regular chia component each morning or night.

We now keep a container of almond milk in the refrigerator to which I have stirred in at least 1/3 cup (50 grams) of chia seeds.

After the initial stirring of the chia seeds into the almond milk, keep the milk mixture out for a few minutes before refrigerating so you can occasionally re-stir the seeds to prevent their clumping.

Overnight, the seeds will soften and gel. Give the closed container a shake or stir again before pouring out about 1/2 cup (118 cc) to drink. The chia seeds are virtually flavorless, do not require chewing, and are easy to swallow.

Almond milk can be sweet or unsweet and can be flavored with vanilla or not. I look for brands that have higher calcium values.

While I’m not a big fan of sweetness, I do prefer a mix of sweetened and unsweetened vanilla flavored almond milk in my chia seed drink. Three or four sips, and I’m done – so it’s not that big of a deal, either way.

Another option to ramp up fiber is an overnight chia seed/oatmeal/apple cereal that I want to share with you HERE. I haven’t made this, yet, but it certainly checks off many of the fiber boxes cited above and will soon be tried.

In health –


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Curried Pumpkin and Mushroom Risotto – Oh Yum!

We are cheering the cooler temperatures; a new page has been turned on the calendar, and fall decorations grace our houses – it’s natural for us to feel a desire for fall-inspired foods as well.

To wit – I took out my stack of ‘proven winner’ recipes and pulled out those that would inspire warm, fuzzy, fall feelings:

French Apple Cake

Spicy Lasagna Soup

Meatballs and Spicy Meat Sauce

Cranberry-Orange anything

Crockpot Soups galore

And …

Curried Pumpkin and Mushroom Risotto

I had drawn two hearts on my recipe, and there were helpful notes jotted in the margins. It was like seeing an old friend after an absence.

There was a time when just seeing the word ‘risotto’ would have intimidated me. What was that?

Now, I know it’s simply an Italian rice dish, slowly cooked with broth – a little dab at a time – stirred a lot until there is a creamy consistency, and the rice is al dente.

A special short grain, high-starch rice is used – usually arborio rice – that gradually releases its starch to create a creamy texture, but does not absorb so much fluid that it becomes mushy.

Perfection, basically.

My original recipe came from EatingWell, but I found exact copies under other names. It’s so hard to own a recipe. I have tweaked the original a bit, and am making it available to you to download and print.

Here are some basic risotto facts and pointers:

Risotto is a dish, not a type of rice you use to cook

Risotto is gluten free – it’s made from rice, not pasta made from grain

White wine is a common ingredient used in many versions of risotto – I did not know this, but after my first tasting sample, I instinctively added a splash or two of dry sherry that fixed what was missing for my palate.

My recipe used a small amount of oil for the sauteing of the leeks, but most recipes often use butter. I had to double the oil, but will use a combination of olive oil and butter next time.

Lest we all get laughed at, risotto is to be eaten with a fork, not a spoon, even if it’s in a shallow bowl. Apparently, there are those who care – it’s a thing. Thank heavens the table etiquette police were not around when we taste-tested today using spoons. At least we didn’t lick our bowls – we settled for considerable scraping, though! It was that good.

In addition to the downloadable recipe that follows, I also want to send you a link to a site that explains the risotto method quite well and offers another great basic recipe: Spruce Eats

Here is our download for Curried Pumpkin and Mushroom Risotto:

If you love the subtle umami flavors of mushrooms mingling with a hint of pumpkin, I think you will enjoy this fall favorite of mine.

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In health –


An Almond Treat!

I fell for it.

You know.

Picture of peanut butter cookies with that crisscross pattern on top.

Just three ingredients.


This time with almond butter.

I was out of any kind of baked goods to enjoy with my morning coffee or afternoon tea, and I still had some almond butter left. So, like a sailor being led by the sirens of the deep, I dove in.

A recipe had popped up on my feed and I was intrigued because the author split the requisite cup of sugar in this standard three-ingredient recipe into two parts: half sugar and half sugar alternatives. I used monk fruit with erythritol.

As advertised, this recipe was fast, easy, and I still tweaked it for added goodness by adding 2 tablespoonfuls of freshly ground flax seed because I was short just a bit of almond butter.

There are a few downsides:

a. The sweetness level was higher than I prefer, even in a treat.

b. These are best eaten when completely cooled. They crumble when fresh out of the oven or even warm.

c. Keep a napkin handy because your fingers will be slick with almond butter oiliness.

But there are upsides as well:

a. One little cookie is all you need (that’s a big plus).

b. It’s super easy to do – in and out of a cleaned up kitchen in 30 minutes.

c. The alternative sugar makes this a healthier option.

d. With my trusty Danish dough whisk and my small dough scoop in hand, I was ready to stir up a treat.

Easy Peasy Flourless Almond Butter Cookies

a. One cup of creamy nut butter

b. One half cup sugar

c. One half cup sugar alternative

d. One egg

Mix. Shape into 18 balls. Press down with a fork. Bake at 350 degree oven for 10-12 minutes. Cool. Eat.

You could write this down on a Post It Note.

Great for children to do.

Thanksgiving activity, perhaps?

In health –


ADDENDUM: Deidre thinks these are still too sweet and, possibly, a cup of oatmeal would help considerably. She is NOT intentionally pandering sugar.

Sheree: As for me – BRING IT ON!!

Beloved Fall

Are people fickle?

We claim to not like change. Yet, when it comes to the changing seasons – well, we just can’t wait. As soon as we are entrenched in one season, we seem to be mentally inching toward the next one.

Spring. Who does not love to see the new life springing forth at every turn? Sneeze. And we really want to wear shorts and go to the pool – so summer temperatures would be nice.

Summer. Ahhh. School’s out. Vacations. Beach. Grilling. Darn – it’s too hot! A little drop in the temperature would be great.

Fall. Bingo! I feel new!

Amid the kaleidoscope of changing fall colors, I feel reborn.

Clean slate.

New beginnings.

Do these primordial feelings hail from years as a student and teacher – starting the new school year each fall? Or were my ancestors Jewish, celebrating Rosh Hashanah? Happy Jewish New Year, folks!

Whatever the origins – I’m cleaning house and starting afresh each fall.

Literally – cleaning the house. Deep cleaning. It’s so clean that spring cleaning won’t even be needed! Ha! I could wish.

My muscles alternate between singing and screaming from all the squats, jumps, lifts, stretches, and everything else they have been required to do this week. Ugh. But I feel SO GOOD!

And I need your help. To make foodtalk4you as relevant as possible, I’d like to ask for your input.

What are your areas of need or interest?

  1. Are you seeking inspiration for healthier options in fall recipes?

Breakfast choices?




2. Need some help with stress reduction or relaxation techniques?

Five minute reset?

Mental escapes?

How to get better sleep?

3. Looking for ways to ramp up the fiber in your diet?

4. Do you have questions about incorporating more variety, nutrition, or anti-inflammatory foods into your diet?

Please drop a line in the comment section so I can tailor the posts this fall to your needs. I greatly appreciate your response – we want each post in foodtalk4you meet you where you are.

In health –


A Story from Ukraine

Ahhh. Nothing better than curling up with a cup of tea and a good book that promises to send me on a journey through time and landscapes!

It’s been a while since I’ve allowed myself the luxury of getting lost in a story – especially in an historical fiction story that edifies and entertains. It’s one of my favorite genres.

The last time my leisure reading was fiction was in 2021, when Miranda J. Chivers released her first book in the Russian Mennonite Chronicles, Katrina’s Dark Shadow: 1915-1917: The Early Years in Ukraine.

While reading this sweeping tale set in Ukraine, I was just beginning to hear the latest rumblings of renewed tensions between Russia and Ukraine, which then came to a dramatic head with Russia’s invasion in February, 2022.

Chills ran down my spine as aspects from this work of fiction, born from history, began to be replayed in the current day headlines right in front of my eyes on the screen. The terror of approaching takeovers and destruction does not change over time. Confusion, misery, and the strength of the human spirit are timeless.

Imagine my delight when learning that the sequel, Katrina’s Dark Journey: Labor Pains – Ukraine 1918, was now available.

The scene had been set in the first book, and now the central figures in the historical drama now flee for their lives. The following is a quote from a recent review:

“The novel weaves together two parallel narratives, one following Katarina and her sister’s harrowing journey through the lawless steppes and the other focusing on Peter’s search for answers in the aftermath of his mother’s death. The story’s inception lies in Peter’s determination to unravel the mysteries surrounding his parents’ deaths and the whereabouts of Jacob. This pursuit leads him down the path of transcribing Katarina’s diaries, a task that proves more challenging and emotionally taxing than he could have ever imagined. As Peter delves deeper into the enigmatic diaries, the lines between reality and illusion blur, leaving him frustrated, confused, and searching for more answers to fill in the missing clue.

Katarina’s Dark Journey by MJ Krause-Chivers is a powerful and haunting exploration of survival, faith, and the unyielding human spirit set against the backdrop of war-torn Ukraine in 1918 and post-war Munich. The story’s strength lies in its vivid portrayal of the character’s struggles and the rapidly changing political landscape of the time. The historical descriptions provided in this book are both enlightening and essential. It immerses readers in the Russian Civil War, offering a nuanced understanding of the political turmoil that swept through Ukraine during this era. This serves as a poignant reminder of the turbulent journey Ukraine endured on its path to independence. Readers are sure to be captivated by the character’s struggles and the vivid portrayal of a pivotal period in Ukraine’s past.”

Both of MJ Krause-Chivers’ books are currently priced at $.99 as Kindle books. Each title is stand alone but reading them together to catch the full sweep of the story would illuminate, edify, and entertain. You will not be disappointed.

Now, where’s my tea?

In health which includes leisure reading –


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As a follow-up to last week’s post about nasal washes, please note what a reader just shared with me and please do not make the same mistake. Distilled water or water that has boiled for several minutes should be the only water options used – never tap water.

A reader just shared this with me:

“I’ve used Neil Med Sinus Rinse for years. It’s fantastic. I talked my husband into using it. He did for awhile, then he got a nasty sinus infection that he can’t get rid of. I discovered he’d used tap water. Now he won’t rinse at all but keeps running to the doctor for antibiotics or uses allergy pills. I warned him about using tap water but he rarely listens to me. I believe it’s important to remind people not to use tap water.“

Three Easy Wishes? We’ve Got ‘Em!

Just rub the sides of this container and a genie will emerge in a vapor, ready to grant me three wishes. Oh, boy!

All I really want right now is to 1) breathe better, 2) avoid the stage of this sinus infection where I wish there were microscopic sticks of dynamite I could use to break up the congestion and pressure behind my forehead, nose, and eyes, and 3) get along with life.

My daughter, long the naturopath in her approach to maintaining health, led the parade on this one, and my son was next – much to my surprise – because of his selectively squeamish nature. Now, I have finally joined the band wagon.

Doing what?

Using a neti pot to rinse my nasal passages.

I mean, pouring salt water into one nostril, in anticipation of it draining out the other, just goes against my instincts to avoid drowning, you know?

Let’s start from the beginning. Quoting Alfred Iloreta, MD, Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at Mount Saini Hospital.

“The practice of irrigating the nasal passages with water has been around for approximately 5,000 years with its origins South Asian culture, within the practice of Ayurveda, an ancient practice of yoga. These Yoga Masters called the sinus cleansing technique, “Jala Neti,” and it exists as one of the six main practices in cleansing the body to prepare for the higher practices of yoga.”

While the idea of nasal rinsing was first introduced to Western medicine in the early 1900’s, mass marketing of devices did not happen until the early 1970’s.

An uptick in the interest of using neti pots started in the 1990’s, when there was an increased awareness that overusing antibiotics resulted in antibiotic resistance, and people became more proactive in seeking alternative therapies for sinus issues.

I sure didn’t want to start a round of gut-microbiome-stripping antibiotics if I could help it, so with my daughter’s tutelage, I leaned over the sink, tilted my head just so, and experienced the wonders of neti pot nasal cleansing.

There are a few things to keep in mind:

Always use either distilled water or water that has previously been boiled for a few minutes. Why not use tap water? Tap – and even filtered water – can harbor traces of bacteria and microbes that, while safe to drink thanks to the action of the acidic environment of our stomachs, are not killed when poured into our nasal passages.

There have been rare cases of wicked infections being caused by using unboiled tap water. Yikes!

Thoroughly clean the neti pot after each use, and especially sanitize if sharing one – or even better, get them one for their own use.

Use water warm enough to dissolve the salt, but make sure it has cooled enough after mixing to be comfortable inside your nose.

You can read more about these sensible precautions at Medical News Today.

This was so easy for me to use. The learning curve is quite low, and I can happily report that I am recovering from my sinus condition without having had to use antibiotics!

Twice-a-day use was sufficient during the acute phase. Many people recommend continuing with regular weekly use. I’m not sure if I will be doing that or not; but certainly, my darling neti pot will be put to good use – especially in allergy season.

In health, breathing free and clear –


Something to Ponder …

Age old question

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

As a child, after hearing this the first time, I filed the question away next to the one, ‘does the tree falling in the forest make any noise if no one is there to hear it?’

There’s an extension to this line of wondering about physical laws involving mind and body. Does the mind lead the body, or does the body lead the mind?

Another “hmmm.”

I’ve long been a proponent of the leadership of the mind; but hearing Hal Elrod, of the Miracle Morning fame, address my author group recently, I came to appreciate how changing behavior first can lead the mind into new ways of thinking.

One can argue, the body will not move without the mind telling it to move. But in consistent movements that we initiate, new thought patterns can emerge that can boost not only thinking, but bodily health. Hal Elrod has stories to tell about his early survival of a head on car crash and in his surmounting a rare and aggressive form of cancer to become a bestselling author using such an approach.

As I sit in the Denver airport this morning, nursing a sinus infection and lacking quality sleep, I will be seeking a bit of privacy to meditatively revisit a practice I shared on a previous post about Amy Cuddy, who also embraces the concept of the body leading the mind. Here are excerpts from that post:

Amy Cuddy’s book, Presence, puts science into what I’ve known all along. While we have long been stoked in the ‘mind over matter’ dogma – which is certainly well documented – and I know can work miracles, Cuddy’s proven approach, however, shows that the body can LEAD the mind.

Her tale of personal transformation is also beautifully told in her TED talk which is the 2nd most viewed TED talk and can be FOUND HERE:

In her book, Cuddy shares studies she and others have conducted as she gently peels away each application of how we view ourselves, present ourselves, and how others perceive us because of our presence.

The studies Cuddy shares, demonstrate that body positions of strength, (Wonder Woman, Superman, more expansive sitting positions with arms away from the body and legs not intertwined), result not only in a mindset of strength, but produce positive brain chemistry changes.

The ‘victory stance’ is genetically ingrained. People around the world, across cultures, and even the blind who have never seen a victory stance, naturally assume that pose after great personal accomplishments – feet apart, chin slightly elevated, with hands thrown up in the air outstretched.

It’s universal.

Looking forward to a challenging day? In private, assume your Victory Stance and hold it for two minutes. Claiming that victory – in advance – helps assure a more positive approach on your part and sets up those you are working with or influencing to see you as a person of strength.

The very act of smiling and standing with confidence redirects the body’s chemistry to a positive flow. Why not boost your confidence by holding a power pose for 2 minutes at the start of the day?

I don’t feel like Super Woman at all right now, but here I go to assume my power pose for two minutes. I need all the help I can get! Maybe I’ll be feeling more energetic for my next flight.

In health –


PS – It helped. Two minute Victory Stance poses done twice during my long layover in Denver seemed to help me over the hump of fatigue and my next flight was restful and relaxed. Where did I do these poses? Ahem. In the privacy of a women’s restroom stall! My hands were not thrust in the air over the stall walls, they rested on my hips – just to be discreet.

NOTE: Okay, I can manage a lot of things, but finding a picture of a pair of hands over top a bathroom stall is, well, a wee bit above my purview. I just decided on a pretty picture instead. Use your imaginations here. You can thank me later. Sheree

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Now That I Think About It …

One thought …

That’s a pun, really. Because that’s what I want to mention today – the power of a single thought.

As the sands of time are running out on my four-week stay in Kona, Hawaii, I have once again, personally, experienced the power of ONE thought within my brain – never uttered – upon another human.

I have seen the power of one emotion within myself, expressed by facial animation – create a reaction on a slumbering individual; then reflected back, in a startled response from across the room.

Smoke and mirrors?


Let me set the stage.

I’ve been blessed with being grandma-on-duty this August to help my daughter transition back to work, part-time, since the birth of her beautiful baby boy. Both grandmas are taking turns in helping these first two months of her return to work, until more permanent care can be arranged.

I’ve shared with you before, how to set yourselves up for a positive start each day, by reading aloud our positive affirmation/identity statement. It works. I know it has transformed my mindset and has created positive outcomes I had only hoped for before. Whenever I neglect doing this, things do not go as smoothly.

Okay. Here’s the thing. Perhaps you have experienced this.

As I hold my totally relaxed and sleeping grandson on my chest, appreciating the sights and sounds of Hawaii from the comfort of the lanai, an area of personal concern over an unresolved issue crosses my mind and I start to ruminate – churning the scenario over and over in my head.

What happens? Instantly, the baby startles and becomes restless.

Not once. But over and over. Different days. Different circumstances. Different concerns.

Even more innocently, holding my sleeping grandson and trying to while away the time by scrolling through my phone – one handed – can often result in his becoming restless.

Or my daughter, holding her peaceful son calmly, whispers some news to me and, from across the room, I respond with a silent startle and facial expression.

What does the baby do? Yup. Full body startle.

There are a couple of takeaways from this.

1 – Thoughts are THINGS. What are we sending out to the world? Missiles? Barbs? Frustrations? Or soft pillows of love, forgiveness, hope, redemption, with a release of irritations along with a blessing?

2 – We need to be fully present. Babies – even sleeping ones – need our full attention. Pouring all the love I can into my grandson is equipping him for life. Foundations are being laid that he’ll never realize how it got there; but as we shower him with these THINGS that our thoughts are, we are helping him far into the future.

And my takeaway from the takeaways? We all are just like babies.

In health –


NOTE: First and last pictures are from Kona, Hawaii. Couldn’t resist including both of them for us island lovers! – Sheree

Meet the Author!

Don’t you love it when someone shares a book title with you, thinking you may love it as well? I am much more motivated to get a book based upon personal testimony. And what if you get to meet the author himself to get an inside glimpse of why he wrote it?

That’s what we’ve got today!

Barrett Huang just released a new workbook whose title caught my eye, DBT Workbook For Emotional Eating: Stop Compulsive Overeating and Quit Your Food Addiction with Proven Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills for Men and Women.

This DBT term was new to me. Most of us have heard about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and if you have attended a therapy session, chances are it was based on the precepts of CBT, which focuses on changing problematic thinking. Among other things, this newer therapy, DBT, is best known for its success with eating disorders.

Mission Harbor Behavioral Therapy

After reading the sample, I was sold on purchasing this helpful guide. Our philosophies of starting with how we think about ourselves and how we perceive our circumstances were perfectly aligned. Was I a proponent of DBT without knowing it?

There was something else that lit up memories in my mind as I read about his approach to achieving a healthier lifestyle – it reminded me of Noom.

I used Noom a few years ago as an accountability buddy for losing the weight I had gained as a caregiver – even those who write about health sometimes need a helping hand. Many of my approaches and exercises felt familiar and brought back the sense of calm control I had over my eating through my previous training.

According to this review, Noon Diet Review, Noom does use DBT.

One thing I did not have with Noom, was a workbook. I love having a workbook component to my learning, and Barrett Huang’s latest book checks off all the boxes for building personal skills and mindsets.

He reveals his approach to weight loss and overall health through telling his own story and progresses to the evolution of his successful methods. I could see the familiar patterns with his weight loss struggle, reflected in so many people I know or have met.

So inspired by his workbook, I reached out to Barrett Huang, and he quickly accepted my invitation to share a little bit extra with foodtalk4you readers. He writes:

“I like that Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) focuses on accepting your thoughts, feelings, and actions while also striving to improve them. Many therapies tend to place excessive emphasis on fixing issues rather than taking a step back and accepting things as they are.

DBT can be applied to various aspects beyond just emotional eating, including anxiety, depression, and BPD, to name a few. Emotional eating often serves as a coping mechanism to deal with uncomfortable emotions.

Some of the skills DBT teaches include:

Mindfulness: This helps you develop greater mindfulness and presence in the moment. You learn to appreciate the things you have and avoid getting caught in a cycle of overthinking.

Distress tolerance: You learn effective ways to cope with uncomfortable emotions and situations without resorting to impulsive behaviors that could be harmful.

Emotion Regulation: This skill focuses on understanding and managing your emotions more effectively. You learn how to label and handle your emotions, identify triggers, and employ coping techniques.

Interpersonal Effectiveness: A significant aspect, this skill helps you enhance your communication and relationship-building abilities. It involves expressing your boundaries, feelings, thoughts and needs to others.

Hence, DBT offers a balanced approach by addressing both acceptance and change, rather than focusing solely on one aspect. Additionally, I find DBT to be highly adaptable and capable of being tailored to various situations. Ultimately, you acquire the tools to become a more resilient and adaptable individual, capable of navigating life’s challenges.

I aimed to create a DBT workbook that is not only easy to follow and implement but also interactive. This workbook is crafted with personal stories and practical worksheets and exercises. Its approach is designed to assist readers in transforming their relationship with food for the better. Drawing from impactful personal anecdotes and incorporating well-established DBT lessons for emotional well-being and stress management, this workbook provides the tools needed to embark on a journey of lasting change.”

If this sounds like something that would help you or someone you know, please check out his book using the links provided. You can discover more about Barrett Huang and his many other books, mostly aimed at helping children and adults using DBT, by going to his website.

In health –


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