Gone Fishin’

When we first moved to Eastern North Carolina in 1980 from California, there was some culture shock.

People, unknown to me, would give a friendly wave when passing by.

There was the whole southern drawl thing – which I adored and secretly tried to emulate for a time.

“Bless his heart” took on a new meaning.

I grew to love collards, okra, and assorted greens.

Barbeque did not mean sliced grilled beef with red sauce.

Iced tea came SWEET!

There was one other cultural phenomenon that irritated us at the time that is hardly ever seen anymore.

Namely, businesses shuttered their doors the first week or so of July. Period.

Gone fishin’.

Need a car part? Catch us sometime around the 8th.

How about plumbing supplies? Nope. Closed for the week.

If you needed an oil filter, a fitting for under the sink, or much anything else, you were simply out of luck.

In those days, folks in the area took their family vacation time and the Fourth of July very seriously, indeed.

We look back at those precious, seemingly backward and inefficient times while shaking our heads.

Maybe we shouldn’t.

This girl is going to hang out the “Gone fishin’” sign and skedaddle to Hot-Lanta to take in some family time, attend a Braves’ game, and watch some fireworks!

In health –


4 thoughts on “Gone Fishin’”

    1. Shaun- Your support over the years means so much! Rolling up my sleeves trying to get my Caregiver book’s new edition relaunched. Any day now. How’s your writing going? Anything for me to promote?

      All my best-

    1. Awww! Thanks, Diana. I finally finished reading your book this weekend and will post a review! It will be under the review name of Denise.

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