Hair Relaxers and Cancer

Health Alert!

For eons it seems, people – especially women – want to look different than the way they were born.

You know the drill. Maybe you can find yourself in these scenarios:

One of my students was blessed with drop-dead gorgeous blonde hair. While other young women were doing everything in their power to become blonde, this high school senior dyed her hair black.

Other students with curly hair turned to flat irons or straighteners to loosen or lose their curls.

I finally stopped getting permanent waves on my straight hair and learned to embrace my true self, only using curling irons to add a bit of curl.

Today, I read an article on my free New York Times news feed that, while not totally surprising, nonetheless shocked and shook me to the bone.

And it made me sad.

And mad.

Written by a NY Times contributing magazine writer, Linda Villarosa, this article, “Relaxer Reckoning,” revealed a year’s worth of research and interviews concerning hair relaxers and their links to early puberty, uterine fibroids, preterm birth, infertility, and cancers, (breast, ovarian, and uterine).

I know Caucasians who get their curly hairlocks relaxed; but the author cited that almost 90% of Black women have used a chemical hair relaxer to straighten their hair – often starting when little girls.

Beyond the fact that women are buying into the allure or need to look different, (that’s a complicated sociological conversation for another day), researchers are seeing a practice – often started in childhood – that may be the link to why Black women are experiencing such a high rate of uterine and other cancers.

Citing a 2022 study  that followed almost 34,000 women for 10 years, Villarosa shared that those who frequently used hair-straightening products, were nearly twice as likely to develop uterine cancer as those who did not.

The European Union is actively involved in regulating 1,300 chemicals used in cosmetics, while the United States had restricted only nine. Five of the chemicals banned in Europe are used in hair relaxers used by, mostly, Black children and women in America.

One of those chemicals is formaldehyde and is yet to be regulated.

Oh yes, there are lawsuits; but the products are still available, and the ingredients are still not regulated.

In the meantime, Black women are facing cancer, surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and the life-changing results of not being able to start a family.

Our skin is our largest organ! One of its critical jobs is absorption. It does not take a great leap to understand that exposing our skin to harsh chemicals might cause bad things.

Thinking that US regulators have our back when it comes to safe ingredients in things we use is a false comfort. We need to educate ourselves and advocate for change.

I have long been troubled by the statistics showing persistently higher rates of preterm labor for Black women – despite efforts to expand their access to prenatal healthcare. Maybe the use of these products could be a factor?

There is no one simple answer for any issue; but the parallels of those using chemical relaxers and the alarmingly higher incidence of cancers and preterm labor among users cannot be ignored.

It’s sad to think any woman believes she needs to change her looks to fit in or feel beautiful.

It’s inconceivable to assume we are not better protected from hazardous chemicals.

What can one person do?

If you are using such chemicals on your hair – STOP!

If you have friends or family who are using relaxers, share this post using the options under the MORE button below and start a conversation about how they can change their health for the better.

Get educated and advocate for protective regulations.

In health –


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