Now That I Think About It …

One thought …

That’s a pun, really. Because that’s what I want to mention today – the power of a single thought.

As the sands of time are running out on my four-week stay in Kona, Hawaii, I have once again, personally, experienced the power of ONE thought within my brain – never uttered – upon another human.

I have seen the power of one emotion within myself, expressed by facial animation – create a reaction on a slumbering individual; then reflected back, in a startled response from across the room.

Smoke and mirrors?


Let me set the stage.

I’ve been blessed with being grandma-on-duty this August to help my daughter transition back to work, part-time, since the birth of her beautiful baby boy. Both grandmas are taking turns in helping these first two months of her return to work, until more permanent care can be arranged.

I’ve shared with you before, how to set yourselves up for a positive start each day, by reading aloud our positive affirmation/identity statement. It works. I know it has transformed my mindset and has created positive outcomes I had only hoped for before. Whenever I neglect doing this, things do not go as smoothly.

Okay. Here’s the thing. Perhaps you have experienced this.

As I hold my totally relaxed and sleeping grandson on my chest, appreciating the sights and sounds of Hawaii from the comfort of the lanai, an area of personal concern over an unresolved issue crosses my mind and I start to ruminate – churning the scenario over and over in my head.

What happens? Instantly, the baby startles and becomes restless.

Not once. But over and over. Different days. Different circumstances. Different concerns.

Even more innocently, holding my sleeping grandson and trying to while away the time by scrolling through my phone – one handed – can often result in his becoming restless.

Or my daughter, holding her peaceful son calmly, whispers some news to me and, from across the room, I respond with a silent startle and facial expression.

What does the baby do? Yup. Full body startle.

There are a couple of takeaways from this.

1 – Thoughts are THINGS. What are we sending out to the world? Missiles? Barbs? Frustrations? Or soft pillows of love, forgiveness, hope, redemption, with a release of irritations along with a blessing?

2 – We need to be fully present. Babies – even sleeping ones – need our full attention. Pouring all the love I can into my grandson is equipping him for life. Foundations are being laid that he’ll never realize how it got there; but as we shower him with these THINGS that our thoughts are, we are helping him far into the future.

And my takeaway from the takeaways? We all are just like babies.

In health –


NOTE: First and last pictures are from Kona, Hawaii. Couldn’t resist including both of them for us island lovers! – Sheree

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