Oodles For Doodles!

I live in the best of three worlds.

At my home, I answer only to myself. Sneezes are caused by the pollen of spring or the dust bunnies born of my own housekeeping neglect. Leaving home is never a bother – pack and go – no concerns except providing for withering houseplants.

At my daughter’s, I am blessed with grand-cats. Feline independence can be charming. Watching this sister-pair explore and tame their world is both, a relaxing and amusing pastime. One quick to purr, and one who is a great gecko chaser. These two send my daughter off to work from the driveway and manage to frequently greet her from the doorstep at day’s end.

At my son’s, I am blessed with a grand-dog, and her, frequently-visiting, litter-mate from across the street. Blurs of fur streaking through the house in total glee of brother and sister antics fill our eyes. Two shades of Golden Doodle delight. All gentleness and ever-present love.

Sneezing is high on the list today as my grandkids and I had to wage war on fur balls and the resulting dust gathering in them. So much sneezing! Ahhh-choo! Amazing how these hypo-allergenic dogs still shed enough to alter air quality.

But all’s good now.

Who would mind a little extra effort if it afforded a daily gaze into eyes filled with love and adoration – to that wagging tail signaling delight at seeing you – to that softness of fur as you stroke and pat a creature that accepts you just as you are? Or to that purring we interpret as total contentment in our arms?

While it’s nice to not have to worry about what to do with a beloved pet when I exit the house or leave for a trip, there is something I’m missing by being animal-free. But there’s one lesson I’m definitely taking home with me as I leave my furry grand-dog.

Our four-legged friends are the perfect example of how to live in the present.

Granted, their realms of responsibilities are not the same as ours. While we may stress about earning enough money to afford their kibble, they’re only anxiety is getting their bowl filled if we neglect their exact mealtime.

Overall, our precious, furry friends seem to be models of living in the present.

Wisely, this is the only thing anyone or anything can affect. Make this moment the best and enjoy it!

Be your best self – right now.

In health-


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One thought on “Oodles For Doodles!”

  1. Agreed. It’s good to spend time with animals. My blood pressure and breathing regulates keeping anxiety away.

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