Pumpkin Puree Goodies From Leftovers

Leftovers to the rescue!

After enjoying that amazing Pumpkin Mushroom Risotto recently, I was tasked with using leftover full-fat coconut milk and pumpkin puree. Two great ingredients. Soup? Custard?


Meanwhile, back in the pantry – I spy a box of Gluten-Free Cornbread Mix. Yay!



It’s that honey-sweetened cornbread mix I bought in desperation when I didn’t have the right ingredients to make regular gluten-free cornbread on my own.

If I’m eating a bowl of chili, honey-sweetened cornbread is not what I want. Hardly ever would I want sweet cornbread – unless I take regular cornbread and indulge myself in putting honey on top to call it dessert – just saying.

Cornbread mix on the sweet side, paired with pumpkin and yummy coconut milk? Now that could be interesting.

Deidre’s Experimental Kitchen opens!

Armed with my Danish stirrer – EVERYONE should have one – and my favorite bowl, I’m on my way!

The mix calls for 1 cup of milk. Okay. Measure out the leftover canned-coconut milk and add enough unsweetened almond milk to make 1 cup.

One-third cup of vegetable oil is needed. Check. Avocado oil it is.

One egg. Done.

Then, I added the leftover canned pumpkin puree totaling 2/3 of a cup.

How about some ground flax seed to ramp up the fiber content? I added a generous 2 tablespoonfuls.

Flax absorbs fluid. Is the pumpkin enough to adjust for that? I added a splash or two of additional almond milk – just in case.

Add the mix to the bowl and stir.

Measure the batter out equally into the greased 12-count muffin tin.

Bake at 350 degrees in a preheated oven for 18-21 minutes. Test with a toothpick for doneness.

Once removed from the oven, let muffins rest for two minutes then put the individual muffins on a cooling rack.

A star is born!

These lovely cornbread/honey/pumpkin/coconut milk/flax muffins came along just in time to share with someone who needed comfort today.


Muffins are a great way to say, “I care.”

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In health –


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