
People talk about all kinds of strings.

  • String theory.
  • Beware of any strings that may be attached to what seems to be a good deal.
  • Zing went the strings of my heart! Note: There really are strings in the heart called chordae tendineae.

And then, we speak of pulling strings …

… to get something by calling in favors from influential contacts.

… on a sweater … not a good idea if you want to keep your sweater from unraveling!

Then, there’s that invisible string that we all need to pull every morning.

I learned about this string when taking a creative movement/dance class in high school. Our instructor reminded us to pull that invisible string at the very top of our head to assist us in standing up straighter, lifting our chins, aligning our shoulders, and raising our chests up high.

Little secret: Going through the physical motions of ‘pulling’ on this invisible string helps.

There is power in body language – not only as how others perceive us, but also as how our body language is the reflection of how we view ourselves.

“The mind believes what we tell it.” Ex: I can do this!

Our body language can tell us a great deal as well.

Having a hard day? Not feeling great?

Are you in what I call “the trudge”? – you know, varying degrees of slumping, being bent over, shoulders rounded.


The trudge sucks power and energy out of us! Listen to Amy Cuddy’s TED talk for an inspirational review on how our body language can change the very hormonal chemistry of our blood. See below:

If you want to give energy, you must be an open vessel to receive it. Confident people are confident because they have the body language of confidence.

Fake it until you make it? Absolutely! If that’s where you are starting from, do it!

Confidence will not replace preparation, but many well-prepared people lack confidence – possibly because of imposter syndrome, whereby they feel like unqualified fakes.

Whatever life has in store for you, ‘pull that string’ to bring your best self to the new day.

Then, take two full minutes in your power pose! Two minutes. It takes that long to reset hormone levels.

I did this once as a body reset while in Denver International Airport. We were waiting for a connecting flight back home and I was starting to slump with feelings of coming down with something.

Off to the restroom I went where, in the privacy of my stall, I pulled my invisible string and struck the power pose for two minutes.

My last flight home was comfortable.

“The mind believes what we tell it.”

“My mind believes what I tell it – and show it!”

In health –


2 thoughts on “Strings”

    1. Awww, shucks! Thank you sweet friend! I am slated to travel your way on the 23rd. Hoping to gather some friends sometime in the afternoon for a group catch-up. Meeting with Kim W. regarding selling rental and land. Time TBD.

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