Creating Octoberfest!

There’s so much confusion in this world, why add to it? Valentine’s Day is on February 14. Saint Patrick’s Day is on March 17.


But then, in 1971, an Act of Congress moved several federal holidays; Washington’s Birthday, Memorial Day, Columbus Day, and Veterans Day; to ‘designated Mondays’ to create three-day weekends for federal employees.  


But Oktoberfest in Germany? Not in October? Honestly?

Does the name of a celebration have no meaning?


It was only in recent years I learned Oktoberfest celebrations in Germany are finished, done, kaput and put away by October.


According to their official festival website:

The first Oktoberfest was held in the year 1810 in honor of the Bavarian Crown Prince Ludwig’s marriage to Princess Therese von Sachsen-Hildburghausen. The festivities began on October 12, 1810, and ended on October 17th, with a horse race. In the following years, the celebrations were repeated. Later, the festival was prolonged and moved to September to utilize warmer weather for enjoyment of the outdoor events.

As a firm believer in truth in packaging, why not call it Septemberfest?

Defying the rules, we were invited to an Oktoberfest gathering at a friend’s house in October!

The hosts supplied the venue, brats with sauerkraut, a start on the beer selections, and the guests brought the side dishes, and a pack of their favorite fall beers.

What a blast! The weather was warm enough to be outdoors – the party was held in their pristine open garage – and we used tasting glasses to sample different brews.

For the last several years, I have combined a couple recipes for German Potato Salad I had gleaned from the internet – until I finally developed my own hybrid version I am sharing with you today.

I took pictures of food prep, and there’s even one of the guys’ table below as they determinedly sampled every beer for a consensus vote as to favorites.


I hope you enjoy this versatile downloadable recipe that is great for summertime grilling or a fall Oktoberfest – whenever you prefer to have one.

In health –


PLEASE NOTE: My website,, is not yet up to speed. The website redesign is taking a bit longer than planned. I can only apologize – the downloads, and my Caregivers Toolkit Bundle, are not accessible at this time.

Please accept my sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may cause you.

We will release an immediate announcement just as soon as the website is up and running again.

Sincerely, Deidre

Covid Comfort Food

Can we utter, “comfort food” and “healthful,” in the same breath?

Well, not if comfort food means cans of sweetened condensed milk or oceans of gravy on mounds of biscuits.

However, as fall in the northern hemisphere brings on images of pots of soups and – for me – yet another iteration on gluten-free muffin mix – then yes, there are tons of healthful benefits to be had in comfort food.

When I had enough energy to throw some ingredients into a soup pot while recovering from Covid, there were anti-inflammatories and healing elements galore. I ramped up a recipe gleaned from Facebook that reminded me of ones I had used before.

Thanks to my friend, Rox, I had all the ingredients after she picked up my online order from the local grocery store!

Not only did I use the bag of peas, but I threw in a bag of frozen, mixed vegetables as well.

Having some leftover cornbread on hand, I placed a square of it in the center of the bowl and ladled the steaming soup on top.

Even with our diminished sense of taste, this was very yummy.

On to my never-ending quest for the perfect no-hassle, gluten-free muffin mix enhancement.

This could be the ONE!

Using my favorite mix – King Arthur Brand Gluten-Free Muffin Mix – I filled the 1 1/2 cup add-in option to include:

            1 banana – mashed

            1/2 cup ground flax seed

            1 cup gluten-free oatmeal – maybe 1/2 cup more

            Cinnamon and nutmeg to taste

*And my six muffins also contained chopped prunes – yum!

My sweetheart refuses to entertain prunes in any disguise, so his six were without.

These extra ingredients resulted in 12 generous muffins, plus a small 3” x 3” muffin cake.

What a joy it is to simply heat up a moist, fiber-filled muffin for breakfast and some healing soup for lunch or dinner when you need to take it easy, feel comforted, and still know you are getting some healing nutrition on board.

In health –


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Hugs – A No No For Now!

As my third experience up close and personal with Covid ends – I’m negative! – there will be no friendly hugs for a while.

We long for that physical expression of love, friendship, and concern – and our mental and physical selves need that influx of the resulting oxytocin. Looking back on those dark days of the global pandemic, we remember how deprived and out of sorts we became from the lack of touch.

Oxytocin, sometimes referred to as the ‘cuddle hormone,’ is vital to our inner balance including:

  • Improved mood: Oxytocin can help you feel happier and more relaxed. 
  • Reduced stress: Hugs can lower cortisol levels, which can help you feel less stressed and improve your sleep. 
  • Improved cardiovascular health: Hugs can lower your blood pressure, heart rate, and improve cardiovascular function. 
  • Reduced inflammation: Oxytocin can help reduce inflammation and improve healing. 
  • Strengthened immune system: Hugs can help strengthen your immune system. 
  • Reduced cravings: Oxytocin can help lessen cravings for drugs, alcohol, and sweets. Remember how we turned to extra drinking and poor eating during Covid isolation? 
  • Improved relationships: Hugs can deepen your relationships. 
  • Reduced depression: Hugs can help decrease depression. 
  • Improved concentration: Hugs can help you concentrate easier. 
  • Improved energy: Hugs can help you feel more energetic. 

We need to have those hugs last for more than six seconds to release oxytocin at maximum levels. 

More than six seconds.

Try it.

I’ve heard some say that a great hug lasts for three breaths.


Maybe if I wore a mask?

In health –


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Overcome Frustration – Try Finding An Escape

There’s a great hack for frustration.

I learned about it while being a caregiver and I teach it to caregivers in my presentations and books – but the application of this idea is universal.

You see, frustration is often borne of lack of control. Whether we are waiting on others to do their part or are feeling trapped in circumstances that are changing without our input, we long for control and want to push back.

But we can’t, because we are not in control.

So, what’s the hack?

While we may not be able to hurry someone or something up, and we cannot change the circumstances that we are in – we can lessen our frustration level by finding something we can fully control.

I’ve been doing a lot of that lately; and controlling a home project from start to finish has done me a world of good in lowering my frustration level.

Is the source of frustration still there? Yup.

But concentrating on what I can control is a great way to channel that frustration.

And it’s an excellent way to get vinyl flooring installed in my attic/closet and organize my craft and gift-wrapping supplies into drawers I also assembled.

The feelings of accomplishment far out shadow the frustration.

Nothing gets your mind off your troubles more than sticky fingers. Man! The adhesive backing on vinyl tiles is crazy sticky! Everything I touched got sticky. Pen. Cutter. Ruler.

Go glad my neighbor had Goo Gone! She came over by chance the other night, just at the right time. My digits were so sticky that I had to wrap the pen I used to sign her document to avoid ruining it!

Please note: My hands may have been relieved of all stickiness using Goo Gone, but the original formula is not recommended to use on skin.

The Goo Gone company says:

Our Goo Gone Bandage & Adhesive Remover can be used on skin. Our original products are skin irritants.

So, when getting unstuck, grab the appropriate Goo Gone or use GOJO natural orange pumice hand cleaner.

Whew! Glad I still have fingerprints and intact skin!

So, yes, get your fingers sticky with home improvement, or gooey in bread dough, or anything else to kick that frustration out of town!

But get Goo Gone first.

In health –


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Intentional Self Balance

I got off that round tuit!

It was like a scene from several years ago when I decided to do something that would hold me accountable for balancing my food intake and my energy output with regular exercise and portion control.

Yes, it’s one thing to write about health and wellness, and another thing to not let life circumstances derail my solid intentions.

We so easily lose course, especially if we allow ourselves to become codependent on someone or something.

Are your friends not available for your buddy walks around the neighborhood? While that should not keep us from regular walking, often we let it.

Is it difficult to get to exercise classes? Is that a reason to stop working out?

So I, “did a thing.”

Like signing up for that Noom membership after seeing another ad for it – something that worked wonders for me – I saw a chair yoga ad on Facebook that made me want to see more. After learning the details, I took the plunge for a 12-week special offer for just $25.

Right then, I did my first session. A small, easy commitment that took all of 16 minutes to do.


Another session this morning – this time with light weights sprinkled in.


What’s that feeling of accomplishment?

I know all this stuff, but it’s the intentionality and accountability of it all that makes this work!

Small commitment. Every day. Works for any goal we have in mind.

Being able to put my palms flat on the floor means nothing if I don’t do it. Chair yoga used to be a joke in my mind, but when I am doing nothing organized, chair yoga is working.

Bigger things will come, but intentionally doing something each day beats doing nothing every time.

When ‘getting around to it’ never happens, turning to an intentional approach will get you there.

In health – intentionally –



People talk about all kinds of strings.

  • String theory.
  • Beware of any strings that may be attached to what seems to be a good deal.
  • Zing went the strings of my heart! Note: There really are strings in the heart called chordae tendineae.

And then, we speak of pulling strings …

… to get something by calling in favors from influential contacts.

… on a sweater … not a good idea if you want to keep your sweater from unraveling!

Then, there’s that invisible string that we all need to pull every morning.

I learned about this string when taking a creative movement/dance class in high school. Our instructor reminded us to pull that invisible string at the very top of our head to assist us in standing up straighter, lifting our chins, aligning our shoulders, and raising our chests up high.

Little secret: Going through the physical motions of ‘pulling’ on this invisible string helps.

There is power in body language – not only as how others perceive us, but also as how our body language is the reflection of how we view ourselves.

“The mind believes what we tell it.” Ex: I can do this!

Our body language can tell us a great deal as well.

Having a hard day? Not feeling great?

Are you in what I call “the trudge”? – you know, varying degrees of slumping, being bent over, shoulders rounded.


The trudge sucks power and energy out of us! Listen to Amy Cuddy’s TED talk for an inspirational review on how our body language can change the very hormonal chemistry of our blood. See below:

If you want to give energy, you must be an open vessel to receive it. Confident people are confident because they have the body language of confidence.

Fake it until you make it? Absolutely! If that’s where you are starting from, do it!

Confidence will not replace preparation, but many well-prepared people lack confidence – possibly because of imposter syndrome, whereby they feel like unqualified fakes.

Whatever life has in store for you, ‘pull that string’ to bring your best self to the new day.

Then, take two full minutes in your power pose! Two minutes. It takes that long to reset hormone levels.

I did this once as a body reset while in Denver International Airport. We were waiting for a connecting flight back home and I was starting to slump with feelings of coming down with something.

Off to the restroom I went where, in the privacy of my stall, I pulled my invisible string and struck the power pose for two minutes.

My last flight home was comfortable.

“The mind believes what we tell it.”

“My mind believes what I tell it – and show it!”

In health –


Fake Fall to Real Deal

We had what the meteorologists in our area were calling ‘fake fall’ over a week ago. Noticeably cooler in the mornings, with drier air and lower temperatures. Ahhh.

After the serious summer heat earlier in August, we were ready. But only so much.

I did not want to hop from sundresses to fall sweaters the last of August! And forget about all things pumpkin … no, not yet! I’m just not ready for those favorites.

But here we are. It’s the third of September – universities, colleges, and most of the schools are back in session. If you look attentively, there is a slight up-tick in color in the trees and the number of leaves on the ground is growing.

Are you like me? Long removed from attending or working at a school, this still feels like a new beginning. Time to chart my course, at least for the coming months.

Part of me wants a new, sharp number 2 yellow pencil and a stack of college-lined paper!

After watching my son prepare a batch of chimichurri recently, I have become a fan of this versatile condiment which seems to go with everything. The fact that every ingredient is healthy is even better!

A sauce of Argentine origin, chimichurri is excellent on grilled meats – and if you are lucky -enough to have some leftover sauce. It goes on everything, including eggs.

Chimichurri is a simple mixture of garlic, parsley, oregano, red wine vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, and salt/pepper/crushed red pepper. This is the recipe I followed:


4 cloves garlic minced

2 cups flat-leaf parsley, finely chopped

1/2 cup fresh oregano or 1 Tablespoon dried oregano

1/2 cup red wine vinegar

1 cup extra virgin olive oil

Salt, pepper, crushed red pepper to taste

Prep the ingredients, combine, and let rest for 2-3 hours to meld flavors.

The following is a download for Chimichurri

Honestly, we were happy to just dip crackers and chips into this stuff. When it garnished the slices of grilled flank steak … we were in heaven.

Leave a comment about how you use chimichurri – I’m just looking for an excuse to make some more!

In health –



The caregiver conference last week in Delaware was a rousing success! Attendees were very appreciative, both of my keynote and the afternoon workshop, where we practiced many effective techniques to re-balance and rejuvenate.

Once the videos are edited and available through Easterseals, I will let you know. So many services were featured in the hallways and around the conference room. From facilities, finances, and understanding Medicare/Medicaid to adaptive clothing, feeding utensils, and robotic assistive devices – caregivers do have resources available to them.

If you or someone you know is a caregiver, please let them know their local Easterseals can give them a wealth of information and guidance, no matter what their need.

The website is being wrapped up and tested as I write this. Toolkit for Caregivers third edition is LIVE as a Kindle book, paperback with B&W interior, and the full-color paperback is available, but not directly linked to the others – I am working on getting that detail corrected.

Sharing is caring. Use the options under the MORE button below to share this information with others.

Heck, Yeah!

We begin with a quote from Positive Psychology:

“Life is too short to spend time on things that don’t fit our values. When considering whether to commit to something, we typically ask ourselves, ‘Do I have enough time for this?‘ or ‘Will I enjoy it?‘ etc. But we should consider a more important question first: Which of my values does this align with?”

We pat ourselves on the back if we succeed in not over-committing our time.  Learning to balance personal energy is essential; but, adding to our plate just because we have time is not enough, is it?

Committing to a new action, without considering if it reflects our values, will ultimately undermine our wellbeing. Feelings of being inauthentic conflict with our sense of being true to ourselves.

Here’s a gentle reminder that by saying, “no way” to options that do not align with our values is an empowering action to take – while remaining on the lookout for something to which our very essence will scream, “Heck yeah, let’s do this!”

Something to which I gave a resounding, “heck yeah,” was choosing to speak at an annual caregiver conference.  

This has been an all-consuming endeavor that has taken four months to bring to fruition – on top of getting my website redesigned, and Toolkit for Caregivers third edition published. (More later about that).

As you read this, tomorrow I will be giving both a keynote, “You’re a Caregiver: Give Yourself a Hand!” and a workshop, “Mindfulness and Relaxation at Your Fingertips.”

Listeners, both in person and online, will experience a validation of their life-changing efforts in caregiving for a loved one, and will walk away with tools to empower themselves to become more resilient by bolstering their self-care and well-being.

There have been many activities to which I have said, “no thanks,” to of late because, not only was there not enough time, but also, they did not align with my personal values – even if they were touted as being a fun, social event.

Okay. Now, to the elephant in the room.

Success has come to the Kindle version of Toolkit for Caregivers and remains on special for $1.99. Thank you to everyone who has shared its availability with others!

There’s a glitch with Amazon, however, concerning both paperback versions. This reversal was totally unexpected, and involves behind the scenes things that I hope can be straightened out this week.


We’re working on it.

So, until you see a book cover on the print version that looks like the Kindle version, they are not the same. Green is good; blue is old.  

The website is inching closer to completion.


This little grasshopper is learning to be patient and to control only the things over which I have control … even if there is a whole lot of sighing around here.

Right now, there’s practice to be done for tomorrow’s presentations.

What are your values? Here’s a blast from the past as Sheree shares a download of a handy values list. Check it out to find your top five or ten personal values to which you may measure your activities to check for alignment.

In health –


Sharing is caring. Use the options under the MORE button below to share this information with others.

Surprise From The Stork!

When you work so hard for something and you are faced with so many delays, and patience is being tried like never before – there are tears of frustration and trembling of anger barely controlled – then that sweet moment comes when you can see a path to success.

With critical elements still hanging in the balance of uncertain completion, I turned to my calendar to see when the next possible date would be to publish my book.

August 20. Today, as you read this, but in the future as I write this – in faith.

My birthday month. A day that is 2+0 which is personally significant. I’m claiming it.

Please join me in welcoming to the world the third edition of Toolkit for Caregivers.

We had anticipated twins – the new edition and the new website – but the stork had something else in mind. Like many babies, their moment of birth is not always as anticipated.

I could not bear another delay in getting this beautiful Third Edition of Toolkit for Caregivers into the hands of those who need it; so, we developed a way to birth the book today while leaving the website in the oven a bit longer.

I would be so grateful for your help in making Toolkit for Caregivers more visible for potential readers on Amazon by increasing its ratings. Please consider getting the Kindle version – on sale for a limited time at $1.99 – and leave a verified purchase review. I know Sheree will have links in this post that will take you to Amazon.

Star reviews are wonderful – adding a brief, honest written review would be stupendous!

You don’t have to read every word right away; I know you are busy. You can scroll through to read a bit here and there, and I am sharing a quick two-page, chapter-by-chapter synopsis below, you can look at to better understand the scope of the book before leaving a review.

There are three versions of this new edition: Kindle, paperback, and paperback with full-color interior. Up at the top of the sales page on Amazon, in blue letters is “See all formats and editions.” (Check beside the star ratings). That link will take you to the full-color option for the paperback, as well as all other options.

Our editor, Sheree, just shared with me how a mutual friend, who just lost her husband, used one of the free downloads, The Business Side of Dying Checklist, to take the natural overwhelming emotions and confusion away as she went about taking care of needed family business. She was lost trying to figure out how to even get started; but, with the help of the checklist, she had finished in a couple of days!

Access for these free materials, as well as the new Caregiver Toolkit Bundle – which will assist caregivers with organization, self-care, and creating balance in their lives – is, therefore, also delayed a bit due to the redesign process of my website.

Fear not! All readers need to do is leave their email contact information on my site and I will let you know the moment the new site and materials are accessible for download.

Please check out my new baby and let me know what you think!

In health and proud as a new parent – yet still awaiting on the other baby –



Synopsis by Chapters for Toolkit for Caregivers

by Deidre Edwards, RN

Part 1 – Toolkit for Caregivers, Tips, Skills, and Wisdom to Maximize Your Time Together

Chapter 1 – Physical Environment – guides the reader on how to incorporate the home hospital bed into their house, listing various aspects to consider when placing it: privacy, accessibility, what the patient will be looking at, and more. Insider tips are given for adding layers to the bed for comfort and safety, and for caregiver ease of use.

From hacks using pool noodles to trick out the bed, to unique combinations for barrier cream, to options for urination and bowel movements, all common patient care concerns are covered – all aimed to optimize patient comfort and ease of care for the family caregiver.

Chapter 2 – Infection Control – covers the essentials for preventing the spread of infection. Step-by-step skills in hand washing techniques and wearing and taking off disposable gloves are clearly laid out. Suggestions for additional personal protective equipment are shared.

Chapter 3 – Process for Patient Care – even if the family caregiver has supplemental help, chances are there will be times when personal care will have to be given to the patient. No worries! All the basic skills of patient care are explained step-by-step so anyone can understand. Free downloads are available to print so readers can have the skill at their fingertips. From how to move the patient in the bed, changing sheets while the patient is in the bed, brushing teeth, complete bed bath, nail care, feeding, to how to modify clothing for the bedfast patient – it’s all there, and more.

Chapter 4 – Processes for you, the Caregiver – highlights: the extreme importance of self-care, how to simplify organization of keeping track of both the changing patient conditions and supplemental caregiver coverage through using calendars. Ideas for prioritizing self-care are given.

Chapter 5 – Processes for Home Visits – describes the roles of various health care providers who may visit the home: nurses, aides, social workers, physical and occupational therapists, and chaplains. How the calendar method of tracking the loved one’s changes simplifies these home visits is described.

Chapter 6 – Bring the Party Home – describes how various examples of home activities for the loved one and the family caregiver can contribute to meaningful experiences and help alleviate stress for all.

Chapter 7 – Odds and Ends – covers a variety of common issues: DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) documents, how to handle an approaching major weather event, to “inappropriately twinkling” eyes.

The Caregiver Toolkit Bundle is offered in a link to the author’s website that contains resources for caregiver mindfulness, self-care, audio affirmations, In this Moment of Quiet adult coloring workbook, and customizable templates for calendars, and record keeping templates for medications.

Part 2 – (Bonus Book) Love Lives Here – Toolkit for Caregiver Survival, for Before, During, and After

Chapter 1 – Love Is – a reminder that the mindset for caregiving is based on love, and because of love, there is a natural desire for mutual preparedness.

Chapter 2 – Before There is a Need – emphasizes that the need for preparing for future transitions in life/health/death come to us all. Avoiding taking preparations does not reflect love because those who are left behind, or who must become caregivers, are traumatized by a lack of having a plan in place. Tips on starting The Conversation are shared along with items that should be discussed and understood by all: Advanced Directives, organ donor issues, Legal and Medical Power of Attorney, Last Will and Testament, funeral plans, finances with right of survivorship/beneficiary, location of important papers, and more. Link to free download: Talking Points for The Conversation which expands on this material.

Chapter 3 – During the Caregiving Time – provides additional insights into caregiver self-care needs and solutions for meeting them. The normal emotional responses to caregiving are identified and ways to grapple with the confusing swirl of emotions are shared. Activities for their loved one are described along with ideas for having special one-on-one conversations. Ideas are mapped out for further preparations if their loved one’s condition is terminal.

Chapter 4 – A Time of Transition – things to look for if their loved one is terminal. Approaches to end-of-life issues, why their loved one may be hanging on, and potential needs during transition are shared including the last breath which may be missed by the family.

Chapter 5 – After – prepares readers for their initial response to their loved one’s passing and how to use the love they shared to keep them going.

Chapter 6 – The Business Side of Dying – right when everything hurts the worst and being left to grieve may be desired, the real world presents the newly grieved with business affairs. This chapter walks the reader through where they need to go first and what to do, along with identifying and supporting their first emotions of grief. How to handle thank you notes is discussed. Link to free download: The Business Side of Dying Checklist for the reader to follow and personalize as needed.

Chapter 7 – Grief – while each grief experience is unique, readers are given insider tips on what to expect. They have gone from the anticipatory grief they felt as a caregiver to real end-of-a-life grief. Waves of emotions will come, some expected, and others not expected. Ideas of how to get through the firsts are shared for birthdays, anniversaries, etc. Mindsets that will facilitate healing are shared that might assist them on a path of personal self-growth while still embracing and understanding their love and grief.

Chapter 8 – Learning to See the World with a New Focus – Never diminishing the enormity of being left with empty arms, readers are reminded that their living and healing depends upon helping themselves. They can come to understand that “Living our lives today does not dishonor those who no longer live here with us.”

Fly Like An Eagle – For A Healthier You!

Tired of planks?

I do love my planks, but anything can get monotonous.

If you are looking for something else to spice up those daily planks, this might just do the trick.

A bit less challenging than a plank, this move works with the core muscles and challenges maintaining stability in a different way.

Get on all fours with palms under your shoulders and knees under your hips. Extend one arm and the opposite leg at the same time for a count of eight. Bring the arm and leg back to the floor and repeat for the opposite arm and leg.

It can give you a bit of a challenge steadying everything, but that’s why this move is so good at strengthening the core. Plus, it can be humorous watching yourself finding opposite arms and legs!

Called the “bird dog,” this exercise helps stretch the length of the body and helps activate shoulders that might have been hunching while you sit.

I like to couple this with, “flying like an eagle,” I will be teaching in a presentation, “Mindfulness and Relaxation at Your Fingertips,” later this month for caregivers.

Here’s a great, easy exercise that effectively opens the upper chest:

            Fly like an eagle –

Sand with feet shoulder width apart, arms out straight to the side, palms always facing up, do not drop arms. Stop if you encounter pain.

“Flap” by lowering and raising your outstretched arms 4 to 8 times each: one third/two thirds/all the way to your side.

Followed by arm circles forward/backward 4 to 8 times in each direction: small/medium/large circles

The trick is in keeping your palms facing the ceiling. In doing so, you feel a stretch and an opening of your upper chest, resulting in your shoulders being less rounded.

Top this off with a power pose for two minutes, and you will be ready to conquer the world!

In health –


Reclaim your health one meal at a time