A Double Birthday Surprise With Balance!

Whew! Another year going around the sun! Another double birthday when my daughter, who is my birthday twin, and I get to celebrate together again this year! Which means that when you read this, I will have returned to paradise – absorbing the sights and sounds of the rhythm of life in Kona, Hawaii!

We have vowed to not exchange gifts on our birthday – the gift of being together is enough. We will, instead, revel in just being in the same space and being able to celebrate all that has transpired this past year and anticipate the adventures that are lining up for each of us.

Exciting times – and yet, also a time to give pause as I think about birthday wishes. What do I wish for?


I’ve recently been reminded to balance my energies each day by moderating my commitment levels. Consistently participating in creative projects always renews my strength for more physical and mental endeavors. Satisfying the need for creativity – apart from my writing – is essential.

Pausing a few hours over this past weekend to participate in a class to paint a Four Seasons Tree, proved to be delightfully absorbing. The experience was added proof, my advice in the Caregiver Books Series is true: Creative pastimes can wipe all concerns away. Whether it’s five minutes or fifty, finding an activity that takes all our concentration can be a balm to the spirit.

Have you lost some of that balance in your life? It can look different for each of us.

Some people need to balance their dreaming and hoping with action. There’s only one thing that gets a job done, and it’s not thinking about it.

Sure, a wise person always plans their actions; but nothing is accomplished if that first step isn’t taken. What’s the easiest, smallest step you can take right now to make that plan a reality?

Some _____ (fill in the blank with parents, employees, caregivers, etc.) need to balance their commitment to their _____ (fill in the blank with job, activities, loved ones, etc.) with an equally important commitment to themselves. They cannot fulfill their desire to help one another or be there if they, themselves, are on their last legs.

Balancing energies is a daily need that must be met for the benefit of all.

Whether it’s for my body with enough exercise, quality food, and sleep for my mind/spirit with a variety of endeavors, or with my time – balance is crucial and will be my number one birthday wish.

Balance sounds like a perfect mid-year Word of the Year.

What’s your birthday wish for yourself?

In health –


NOTE: Happy Birthday, Deidre and Serena!! I hope it’s fabulous!

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