Category Archives: Food Talk 4 You!

One of the most important elements to good health is how you fuel your body. Let’s talk about how you can make sure the fuel you are using is the best it can be!

Humming for Hummus

Do you realize we are well into the holiday season?

The weekend before Halloween, I couldn’t find a parking place at the local grocery store! The scene before me resembled the mad crush we see just prior to Thanksgiving that continues all the way through New Year’s.

Party season is already in full swing!

Whether we are geared toward gathering to cheer for our favorite team, celebrating an event or holiday, we do love a good party.


And that means having a few recipes up our sleeves to whip up in short notice that will please a crowd. Sure, it’s handy to have some packaged frozen delights we can throw into an oven with practically no effort – mini quiche and spanakopita are some of our favorites – but sometimes I just want to share something I have made.

I do not remember how the concept of pumpkin hummus entered my mind. I may have been looking to pair pumpkin with cream cheese, but what I discovered is way better!

After the requisite Google search for recipes, I compared the ingredients of the top two, side-by-side. You can see how my quick notes were dripped on and blurred.

The result is a hybrid of the two, plus my personal tweaks.

This dip was a big hit at a recent gathering and is so easy to pull together with ingredients that are generally on hand. The exception to that might be tahini – which may not be a staple for you, but it’s easily found at the grocery store.

The recent discovery of pumpkin chips at Trader Joe’s provided the perfect dipping complement to this savory pumpkin hummus.

The downloadable recipe is below. You pretty much throw everything into the food processor and that’s it!

As recommended by one recipe, I drained the chickpeas/garbanzo beans, saving the liquid. After the initial blitzing of the ingredients, I added about 2 Tablespoonfuls of the liquid to thin the hummus just a bit.

The second time making this, I remembered to process the hummus even more. The first time around, I noticed some thin slices of chickpeas had escaped becoming pureed.

Tasting the hummus before finishing is crucial. Both times, I determined a few more shakes of all the spices would be beneficial to boost flavor.

I opted to use a few shakes of red cayenne pepper in lieu of red pepper flakes – my goal was to give interest to the naturally gentle profile of hummus – not to give a spicy kick that would result in reflux.

Pepitas/pumpkin seeds provide the perfect garnish after swirling the plated hummus with the back of a spoon and drizzling a bit of extra virgin olive oil on top.

Yum for hummus!

In health –


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Experiencing Self-Aversion? We Can Help!

Do you have a sense of body dissatisfaction?

The causes are as numerous as the stars. Some of us may not be as trim as we might want, while others of us get in shape only to lose it.

First, your shape is YOUR shape – not someone else’s. No one should measure their own health or appearance in relation to society, Tik-Toc, or any other medium.

But being mindful about how I was feeling in my own skin, I knew I didn’t like the feel.

Plus, there was that whole thing about the nimrod who took over my body. I let poor thinking pull me into trying to ‘fit in’ to a norm that was NOT ME – that’s never a good idea.

After five days of being gluten and sugar free, the pain in my hip from the self-induced inflammation was finally gone. Whew! That’s something I do not want to feel again.  

So, my seminal moment of clarity, motivation, and desire for change came as a trifecta:

1. Not liking the feeling of waistline lumpiness

2. Knowing I had caused inflammation in my body.

3. Reading a book recommended by a friend, who was experimenting with his own body redesign.

About that book. The Amazon sales page showed that the author and I had similar points of view on diet, exercise, and approach to change and sustainability.

When I opened Timothy Ferriss’s The 4-hour Body, I was intrigued. This thick publication will take some time to read; but I was confident enough to implement his familiar concepts after just page 85.

Cleaning up one’s entire way of eating is, excuse the pun, biting off too much to chew, and virtually guarantee’s failure due to the overwhelm.

Tim and I agree that if you adjust just one meal – breakfast – great results can follow that will encourage more extended modifications.

Here’s an easy punch list using our combined ideas:

  1. Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning to get hydration started.
  2. Eat within one hour of getting up to kickstart metabolism, normalize blood sugar and insulin levels, help stress hormones naturally decline, assist with weight loss, and help maintain muscle. If you skip breakfast, failure is guaranteed for a body redesign.

3. Aim for high protein and no added carbs of the white variety: potatoes, breads, grains, or sugar. No fruit or fruit juice (a sugar bomb). Tim’s goal is 30 grams of protein at breakfast which is achieved by using 1 whole egg, egg whites, and legumes (esp. lentils or black beans).

4. Add vegetables: spinach – especially for its attributes for improving muscle performance and glucose metabolism; any cruciferous vegetable (broccoli family and cauliflower), or my favorite – okra. Onions and mushrooms add variety and flavor.

Lentils are a staple in my breakfast scramble and are a more user-friendly legume in terms of flatulence/gas repercussions.

Start by cooking or reheating the green veggies in your sauté pan. Lentils can be added to this mixture or sprinkled on top after serving. Add the eggs to the mix, cook, and serve. I like to add whatever’s on hand: a few sliced cherry tomatoes, avocado, arugula, and top with a dollop of salsa or a balsamic vinaigrette.

Like Mikey once said, “Try it, you’ll like it!”

Try it for six days, return to your normal meal for the seventh as a reset, then repeat. As always, check with your healthcare provider before changing your diet or exercise routines.

Coupled with a bit more exercise, I’m headed in the right direction – for me.

How about you?

In health –


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Let Me Introduce Our New Edition!

It is with great pleasure that I introduce to you my newly renovated website,!

It’s been a long time coming and I would love for you to take a look around.

In it, you will find information about me, all my books, this blog, podcast appearances, speaking engagements, and contact information.

The book links will take readers directly to Amazon; people can subscribe to foodtalk4you and visit the blog; and all free downloads associated with each book can be accessed.

The new Caregiver Toolkit Bundle makes its debut, offering caregivers additional resources to increase confidence, boost morale, and organize their days. This new bundle includes:

  1. Caregiver Affirmations Audio, to set your mind at ease, increase confidence, and gain a sense of renewed strength in just five minutes a day.

2. In this Moment of Quiet, a downloadable adult coloring book, beautifully aligns with the messages in the affirmation’s audio – providing you with contemplative readings and journaling opportunities to help balance, reflect, and unwind.

3. Customizable templates for the Two Calendar System recommended in this book are designed exclusively for recording patient details and keeping track of your caregiver breaks, along with who is covering for you.

4. Medication record templates for administering multiple, monthly medications and for special times when there are hourly doses.

Please let me know what you think of the new look and feel of

By the way, when you follow the link in my website that leads to the sales page in Amazon for Toolkit for Caregivers, click on the blue lettering in the banner that says, “see all formats and editions.”

The side window that opens will show you two print versions – one priced at $17.99 and another at $24.99. The second one features a full-color interior which provides the best reading experience. I am exploring the possibility of dropping the black and white interior option; but currently, that’s what we have.

FYI, the spiral bound version is my book but has been modified by someone else after purchase to create it.

In health –


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We Are Designed For Health – But Not Gluten!

Somebody turned the navigation of this body over to a nimrod.

No hurts or aches. Full range of motion. Sure, there are digestive/heartburn issues that are being worked on, but other than that … things were working. Pain free.

Until …

That nimrod flexed her muscles and, in a fit of pouting, declared she wanted just a smidge of normal life.

Normal, meaning eating gluten.

That Oktoberfest I recently wrote about? Well, whoever took over my body ate two – TWO – pretzel bites full of gluten – dipped in that delicious German mustard – while we sampled various Oktoberfest-ish beers, for a total of probably one whole, gluten-filled, yet fermented beer.

Fermented foods can often blunt the gluten factor. I occasionally eat Sourdough bread because it’s fermented.

But, you can’t fool Mother Nature.

So, here I am at Nimrod’s Anonymous:

“Hello. My name is Deidre, and I am a nimrod.”

“Hi, Deidre.”

“I ate and drank gluten, and I had to pay a terrible price. My hips hurt so badly, I could hardly walk. I powered through an evening stroll in slow motion, hoping I could iron out the pain if I just went slow enough.”

… and so, my confession continued as I explained how returning to the gluten-free life for three days of ‘purity’ has, so far, blunted the hitch in my step, but has not taken it totally away. I am, at least, not reaching for the Aleve anymore.

Several years ago, when I was teaching my first Designed for Health class, an attendee remarked how staying away from gluten had revolutionized her well-being. The swelling in her knuckles had gone down and she was able to, once again, wear her rings. Her other health issues were improving as well.

A person does not have to be deathly allergic to gluten to benefit from giving it the boot.

If you have hurting joints or a sense of things being ‘off,’ take thirty days away from gluten to see how you feel.

It has a lot to do with the kind of wheat grown in America. It’s a dwarf variety, not your grandmother’s wheat, and very high in gluten.

In fact, a friend of mine who is gluten sensitive, recently returned from a cruise in Europe. She ate ALL the breads and desserts while on vacation! You see, in Europe, they grow a different kind of wheat – the old kind which is more user-friendly.

Certainly, someone with Celiac Disease could not do that; but those of us who are gluten sensitive might give European baked goods a try.

Book me a cruise on Viking, please! Now!

In the meantime, I must admit to having feet of clay. Sigh.

Pain is a great teacher.

I will remember this pain next time that nimrod starts whispering in my ear.

In health –


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Creating Octoberfest!

There’s so much confusion in this world, why add to it? Valentine’s Day is on February 14. Saint Patrick’s Day is on March 17.


But then, in 1971, an Act of Congress moved several federal holidays; Washington’s Birthday, Memorial Day, Columbus Day, and Veterans Day; to ‘designated Mondays’ to create three-day weekends for federal employees.  


But Oktoberfest in Germany? Not in October? Honestly?

Does the name of a celebration have no meaning?


It was only in recent years I learned Oktoberfest celebrations in Germany are finished, done, kaput and put away by October.


According to their official festival website:

The first Oktoberfest was held in the year 1810 in honor of the Bavarian Crown Prince Ludwig’s marriage to Princess Therese von Sachsen-Hildburghausen. The festivities began on October 12, 1810, and ended on October 17th, with a horse race. In the following years, the celebrations were repeated. Later, the festival was prolonged and moved to September to utilize warmer weather for enjoyment of the outdoor events.

As a firm believer in truth in packaging, why not call it Septemberfest?

Defying the rules, we were invited to an Oktoberfest gathering at a friend’s house in October!

The hosts supplied the venue, brats with sauerkraut, a start on the beer selections, and the guests brought the side dishes, and a pack of their favorite fall beers.

What a blast! The weather was warm enough to be outdoors – the party was held in their pristine open garage – and we used tasting glasses to sample different brews.

For the last several years, I have combined a couple recipes for German Potato Salad I had gleaned from the internet – until I finally developed my own hybrid version I am sharing with you today.

I took pictures of food prep, and there’s even one of the guys’ table below as they determinedly sampled every beer for a consensus vote as to favorites.


I hope you enjoy this versatile downloadable recipe that is great for summertime grilling or a fall Oktoberfest – whenever you prefer to have one.

In health –


PLEASE NOTE: My website,, is not yet up to speed. The website redesign is taking a bit longer than planned. I can only apologize – the downloads, and my Caregivers Toolkit Bundle, are not accessible at this time.

Please accept my sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may cause you.

We will release an immediate announcement just as soon as the website is up and running again.

Sincerely, Deidre

Covid Comfort Food

Can we utter, “comfort food” and “healthful,” in the same breath?

Well, not if comfort food means cans of sweetened condensed milk or oceans of gravy on mounds of biscuits.

However, as fall in the northern hemisphere brings on images of pots of soups and – for me – yet another iteration on gluten-free muffin mix – then yes, there are tons of healthful benefits to be had in comfort food.

When I had enough energy to throw some ingredients into a soup pot while recovering from Covid, there were anti-inflammatories and healing elements galore. I ramped up a recipe gleaned from Facebook that reminded me of ones I had used before.

Thanks to my friend, Rox, I had all the ingredients after she picked up my online order from the local grocery store!

Not only did I use the bag of peas, but I threw in a bag of frozen, mixed vegetables as well.

Having some leftover cornbread on hand, I placed a square of it in the center of the bowl and ladled the steaming soup on top.

Even with our diminished sense of taste, this was very yummy.

On to my never-ending quest for the perfect no-hassle, gluten-free muffin mix enhancement.

This could be the ONE!

Using my favorite mix – King Arthur Brand Gluten-Free Muffin Mix – I filled the 1 1/2 cup add-in option to include:

            1 banana – mashed

            1/2 cup ground flax seed

            1 cup gluten-free oatmeal – maybe 1/2 cup more

            Cinnamon and nutmeg to taste

*And my six muffins also contained chopped prunes – yum!

My sweetheart refuses to entertain prunes in any disguise, so his six were without.

These extra ingredients resulted in 12 generous muffins, plus a small 3” x 3” muffin cake.

What a joy it is to simply heat up a moist, fiber-filled muffin for breakfast and some healing soup for lunch or dinner when you need to take it easy, feel comforted, and still know you are getting some healing nutrition on board.

In health –


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Hugs – A No No For Now!

As my third experience up close and personal with Covid ends – I’m negative! – there will be no friendly hugs for a while.

We long for that physical expression of love, friendship, and concern – and our mental and physical selves need that influx of the resulting oxytocin. Looking back on those dark days of the global pandemic, we remember how deprived and out of sorts we became from the lack of touch.

Oxytocin, sometimes referred to as the ‘cuddle hormone,’ is vital to our inner balance including:

  • Improved mood: Oxytocin can help you feel happier and more relaxed. 
  • Reduced stress: Hugs can lower cortisol levels, which can help you feel less stressed and improve your sleep. 
  • Improved cardiovascular health: Hugs can lower your blood pressure, heart rate, and improve cardiovascular function. 
  • Reduced inflammation: Oxytocin can help reduce inflammation and improve healing. 
  • Strengthened immune system: Hugs can help strengthen your immune system. 
  • Reduced cravings: Oxytocin can help lessen cravings for drugs, alcohol, and sweets. Remember how we turned to extra drinking and poor eating during Covid isolation? 
  • Improved relationships: Hugs can deepen your relationships. 
  • Reduced depression: Hugs can help decrease depression. 
  • Improved concentration: Hugs can help you concentrate easier. 
  • Improved energy: Hugs can help you feel more energetic. 

We need to have those hugs last for more than six seconds to release oxytocin at maximum levels. 

More than six seconds.

Try it.

I’ve heard some say that a great hug lasts for three breaths.


Maybe if I wore a mask?

In health –


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Overcome Frustration – Try Finding An Escape

There’s a great hack for frustration.

I learned about it while being a caregiver and I teach it to caregivers in my presentations and books – but the application of this idea is universal.

You see, frustration is often borne of lack of control. Whether we are waiting on others to do their part or are feeling trapped in circumstances that are changing without our input, we long for control and want to push back.

But we can’t, because we are not in control.

So, what’s the hack?

While we may not be able to hurry someone or something up, and we cannot change the circumstances that we are in – we can lessen our frustration level by finding something we can fully control.

I’ve been doing a lot of that lately; and controlling a home project from start to finish has done me a world of good in lowering my frustration level.

Is the source of frustration still there? Yup.

But concentrating on what I can control is a great way to channel that frustration.

And it’s an excellent way to get vinyl flooring installed in my attic/closet and organize my craft and gift-wrapping supplies into drawers I also assembled.

The feelings of accomplishment far out shadow the frustration.

Nothing gets your mind off your troubles more than sticky fingers. Man! The adhesive backing on vinyl tiles is crazy sticky! Everything I touched got sticky. Pen. Cutter. Ruler.

Go glad my neighbor had Goo Gone! She came over by chance the other night, just at the right time. My digits were so sticky that I had to wrap the pen I used to sign her document to avoid ruining it!

Please note: My hands may have been relieved of all stickiness using Goo Gone, but the original formula is not recommended to use on skin.

The Goo Gone company says:

Our Goo Gone Bandage & Adhesive Remover can be used on skin. Our original products are skin irritants.

So, when getting unstuck, grab the appropriate Goo Gone or use GOJO natural orange pumice hand cleaner.

Whew! Glad I still have fingerprints and intact skin!

So, yes, get your fingers sticky with home improvement, or gooey in bread dough, or anything else to kick that frustration out of town!

But get Goo Gone first.

In health –


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Intentional Self Balance

I got off that round tuit!

It was like a scene from several years ago when I decided to do something that would hold me accountable for balancing my food intake and my energy output with regular exercise and portion control.

Yes, it’s one thing to write about health and wellness, and another thing to not let life circumstances derail my solid intentions.

We so easily lose course, especially if we allow ourselves to become codependent on someone or something.

Are your friends not available for your buddy walks around the neighborhood? While that should not keep us from regular walking, often we let it.

Is it difficult to get to exercise classes? Is that a reason to stop working out?

So I, “did a thing.”

Like signing up for that Noom membership after seeing another ad for it – something that worked wonders for me – I saw a chair yoga ad on Facebook that made me want to see more. After learning the details, I took the plunge for a 12-week special offer for just $25.

Right then, I did my first session. A small, easy commitment that took all of 16 minutes to do.


Another session this morning – this time with light weights sprinkled in.


What’s that feeling of accomplishment?

I know all this stuff, but it’s the intentionality and accountability of it all that makes this work!

Small commitment. Every day. Works for any goal we have in mind.

Being able to put my palms flat on the floor means nothing if I don’t do it. Chair yoga used to be a joke in my mind, but when I am doing nothing organized, chair yoga is working.

Bigger things will come, but intentionally doing something each day beats doing nothing every time.

When ‘getting around to it’ never happens, turning to an intentional approach will get you there.

In health – intentionally –



People talk about all kinds of strings.

  • String theory.
  • Beware of any strings that may be attached to what seems to be a good deal.
  • Zing went the strings of my heart! Note: There really are strings in the heart called chordae tendineae.

And then, we speak of pulling strings …

… to get something by calling in favors from influential contacts.

… on a sweater … not a good idea if you want to keep your sweater from unraveling!

Then, there’s that invisible string that we all need to pull every morning.

I learned about this string when taking a creative movement/dance class in high school. Our instructor reminded us to pull that invisible string at the very top of our head to assist us in standing up straighter, lifting our chins, aligning our shoulders, and raising our chests up high.

Little secret: Going through the physical motions of ‘pulling’ on this invisible string helps.

There is power in body language – not only as how others perceive us, but also as how our body language is the reflection of how we view ourselves.

“The mind believes what we tell it.” Ex: I can do this!

Our body language can tell us a great deal as well.

Having a hard day? Not feeling great?

Are you in what I call “the trudge”? – you know, varying degrees of slumping, being bent over, shoulders rounded.


The trudge sucks power and energy out of us! Listen to Amy Cuddy’s TED talk for an inspirational review on how our body language can change the very hormonal chemistry of our blood. See below:

If you want to give energy, you must be an open vessel to receive it. Confident people are confident because they have the body language of confidence.

Fake it until you make it? Absolutely! If that’s where you are starting from, do it!

Confidence will not replace preparation, but many well-prepared people lack confidence – possibly because of imposter syndrome, whereby they feel like unqualified fakes.

Whatever life has in store for you, ‘pull that string’ to bring your best self to the new day.

Then, take two full minutes in your power pose! Two minutes. It takes that long to reset hormone levels.

I did this once as a body reset while in Denver International Airport. We were waiting for a connecting flight back home and I was starting to slump with feelings of coming down with something.

Off to the restroom I went where, in the privacy of my stall, I pulled my invisible string and struck the power pose for two minutes.

My last flight home was comfortable.

“The mind believes what we tell it.”

“My mind believes what I tell it – and show it!”

In health –
