“Clever Mouse,” Whispers the Elephant to Himself

I have turned into a tiny field mouse, and now, my task is to eat an elephant.

It’s something I’ve done before when I couldn’t even see how big the elephant was. It might be the size of a three-month meal.


A six-month meal.


Will it be a year?

We’ll see.


Longer than that.

Are you being asked to eat an elephant? Do you even know how big it is? Can you see your elephant growing?

These elephants can be tricky.

Sometimes, you think you’ve taken that last bite as you pat yourself on the back for hanging in there, and then – BAM! – something else comes up.

That’s called life.

At present, I am face-to-face with an elephant named DOWNSIZING. Downsizing from living in the same house for 42 years. Downsizing to a new town – to a brand-new life – with my brand-new forever love.

To everything there is a season, and this is the season for fresh starts. After mindfully moving along from loss, grief, and exhaustion – I am ready for this new chapter of continued discovery and adventure.

Will it start after this VERY LARGE meal? No.

Life is now. In the present – and I am going to enjoy each bite of this meal because life experiences have given me the skills needed to press on.

Yes, there will be lots of learning. I’ve never sold my house before – or rented a storage unit for my dwindling stuff before – or built a new house in a subdivision before – or sold furniture online before.

But, you know, it’s all good. My friends and loved ones are offering all kinds of support and help. The right professionals are coming my way.

There was that moment of feeling mouse-sized, overwhelmed, and crushed by the enormity of the work ahead. That’s when loved ones stepped in to remind me that I needed to step back and celebrate the day’s efforts.

Downsizing does not have to wait for retirement. We can reduce our quantity of possessions at any stage of life. Travel lighter. Do we really need 10 black pullover tops? Have we opened that book on the shelf in the last 5 – 10 years?

As a follow-up to the post last week about showing some love before we go, I am working toward showing some love to those who will survive me by simplifying and organizing my possessions. It’s hard enough as a survivor to go through someone else’s stuff without also having to go through their clutter.

Yes, it’s tough letting go of stuff.

Find a good home for your extra stuff. Feel good about making a gift of something you no longer need to someone who will appreciate it.

Throw the years out-of-date food/make-up/yard care products into the garbage.

Remember … it’s only stuff.

There’s a garbage bag calling me … time to discover what has been languishing in that bottom bathroom drawer…Yikes! Stuff!

Always striving to balance mind, body, and spirit through food, exercise, and thought –


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