Consider the Egg – Broken Yet New

Is it the end of the road, or the beginning of an amazing new chapter of our lives?

Are we broken and losing pieces of ourselves or are we shedding what we no longer need?

A Facebook friend shared someone’s thoughts about feeling broken, and I felt inspired to pass on few ideas to you. Maybe your day will take on a brighter focus as you grapple with breakage.

Next time you crack an egg, consider what is transpiring.

There’s something good inside of that egg. To use that goodness – to turn it into a glorious soufflé, cake, or a humble plate of scrambled eggs – we first must destroy that perfectly constructed shell.


Being broken may simply be that opportunity to break out to become something new, better, certainly changed, and full of untold possibilities.

We may not have asked for that change – I bet that egg didn’t either – but life is less about our opinions, about our circumstances, and more about what we do with what we have.

So, there we are.


What are we going to become?

In health-


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