It’s Our Birthday!!

It’s official! Our 5th birthday is today!

This is our 108th post. Looking back, it’s been quite ride!

Foodtalk4you was launched by sharing the advice of some of the best minds on promoting healthy ways to improve your life. Our first post was up and running on April, 12, 2014. Take a look at our first message from the archives HERE – Can’t vs Don’t.

There has been a lot of advice readers have – hopefully – used as a springboard to self-improvement by utilizing the techniques described for small daily changes.

Sharing the results and findings of my personal research into improved health and wellness has – and is – my joy. Looking back through previous posts about nutrition, helpful recipes to stay on track for an anti-inflammatory and gluten-free diet, stress reduction, exercise, and ways to help shape our mindset, makes me proud – and more determined than ever – to pass on the fullness of what life can be …

… because we are designed for health.

This birthday event is reminding me to go back to my Word of the Year: Reach.

At foodtalk4you we are trying to reach out to all our readers – current and future! There’s an aspect of growth in reaching. We will expand and strengthen our reach by meeting the needs of our readers. Is there a topic you want to learn more about? Please leave us a comment.

Working toward my personal wellness goals, I am reminded that in order  to reach an ideal body weight or cholesterol level, moment-to-moment application of body kindness must be applied. My mindset is all about “doing my body good.”

This week, I reached out for a different therapy to address several body issues. Somehow, my increased exercise, alone and coupled with chiropractic care, was not addressing all of my needs. Rather, some body misalignment was being magnified by the very treatments that were supposed to help.

Things hurt here and there.

I know. I know. “You’re getting older…”

None of us has ever been this old before. We are all plowing new ground every day!

BUT we were “designed for health,” and I wanted to not hurt here and there.

Upon further evaluation of my discomfort.  x-rays turned out fine; but misalignment of the back may be causing hip problems, as well as those heel-spur-like feelings in my heels. Enter my massage therapist who is helping smooth out the muscles, (pulling on those bones), and opening up the energy flow and promoting pain relief!

Foodtalk4you wants to help you reach your own goals for improved health.

Are habits a stumbling block for you? To help you, there will be more posts about habit formation.

Are you looking for an easy breakfast? Next week’s post will please you.

Interested in learning more about Intermittent Fasting? I’ll be sharing my experiences soon, along with resources for further study.

Is there a way to make your evening stroll even better? Jane Austen thought so!

If you wanted one daily health “hack,” what would it be?

Drink one glass of water first thing each morning before leaving the bathroom. Sets up the digestive system for the new day! Easy to do and super easy to remember.

Want to reach your exercise goals for the day but can’t go to the gym? Ask Alexa to play the Beach Boys, “Little Deuce Coupe,” or, “Help Me Rhonda,” and march, kick, swing, and sway for a joyful energy-packed workout right in your kitchen.

Do you need to dig deep within yourself to reach new levels of personal strength, fortitude, grace, and calm? Foodtalk4you will help you to get there. HERE  is 2017’s Super Brain Yoga and HERE, from 2015, we go back to the basics with BREATHE.

Looking for a way to reach out to someone in love? Come bearing this Coconut Ganache Recipe.

As we think about blowing out the candles on our birthday cake, please let us know how foodtalk4you can best reach you. What do you need to conquer to be healthier?


In an attempt to ‘reach’ caregivers of loved ones at home, I am so excited to announce that Toolkit for Caregivers and Love Lives Here: Toolkit for Caregiver Survival are a few steps closer to being published. Currently in the formatting stage, they will actually be published TOGETHER – at least for a limited time – and will be available soon in eBooks and print format through Amazon! I’ll keep you updated.

Sheree (Ninja)

Endless thanks to Sheree Alderman for making our posts so colorful. Her selection of images always helps to drive a point home and often gives a needed laugh as well. Her children’s books may be found on Amazon HERE.  (Ah, shucks….kicks dirt)

Reaching others in health-


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