Just Five More Minutes!

Show of hands, please.

Who is starting to feel a little scattered with projects and obligations?

Me! Me! Me!

Wow! That’s a lot of hands going up. Mine included!

It’s time for a little course correction in my neck of the woods, and I am thinking that we may all need a renewed commitment for a calmer approach – especially as the holidays are upon us.

I mean – Black Friday sales started before Halloween … My social and travel calendar is filling up past January, now, and new commitments are hard to make because of life events happening. We’re all there, I’m sure.

Are you feeling like you are on a slippery slope and the details and enjoyment of the present moment may just slip by as well? Life’s too short. I want to enjoy the ride.

Who’s in control, here?

We know the answer to that question. Each of us are.

Join me in stopping this high speed merry-go-round as we reevaluate our expectations.


Take a minute – although two minutes is proven to show a complete reset to calming down – and simply breathe. In and out. Eyes closed. Listen to your breathing sounds. Notice the rise and fall of your chest and abdomen. Breathe. Lean into the calm of your breath.


Take a minute to prioritize what is important to you. At the end of the day – what truly matters?

Life/death issues would be at the top. Keeping a roof over our head and food on the table would be next – so, yes, work issues must happen – but even those need to be prioritized.

If you are juggling a list of twenty must-do items like I am, a time of zooming out to look at the big picture of our lives is needed to see what can be shuffled off to other helping hands or can be delayed.


What is the least we can do to keep a certain project moving forward today? Rather than ignoring something we want to do, how about maintaining a minimal daily involvement?

No time for a workout? How about taking that needed break with a walk around the block? Maybe a minute of planks? We don’t have to leave our priorities in the dust just because there is not a big block of time to devote to them.

Think small and reward yourself with a check mark for having done something. Those little check marks provide a great sense of accomplishment and momentum.

That’s it.

In five minutes, my disjointed feelings of floundering are now erased, and I am on a smoother and truer course forward. Check marks are being made.

As they used to say on the commercials to Mikey, “Try it! You’ll like it!”

In health –


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