Let There Be Peace on Earth

As we approach this holiday season, there are several threads of sentiments woven throughout our common experiences that reflect and unite our diverse beliefs.

Today’s word is PEACE.

Sometimes said as a part of giving a blessing, “Peace I give to you …”

Sometimes given at the conclusion of a service of worship, “Peace be with you … and also to you.”

Something often wished for, “If I could only get a little peace around here!”

Sometimes it’s spoken as a plea, “Give peace a chance.”

So, amid holiday bustle, where do you find peace?

Are you open to receiving peace?

How do you create peace?

How do you give peace?

How does peace feel to you?

Often spoken about in conjunction with the word QUIET, we can imagine peace happening separate from noise and clamor.

I often think of peace, quiet, and wonder when first stepping out to view new fallen snow – especially at night.

Or that physical sensation that floats over me when I learn everything is going to be alright. It’s beyond plain relief, it’s a deep feeling of peace that defies description.

Then there’s the inexplicable peace that can come to us even when the news is bad – we just know that we have the strength to stay the course and we know that we will be okay.

Generally, I find peace in the common things. Nothing special needs to be happening. Maybe that’s peace and contentment?

Explore the role of peace in your life. Perhaps peace may come as you make and give peace away to others.

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In health and peace –


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