Summertime – And The Eating Is Easy …

Have this summer’s blazing hot temps redefined how you eat? Experts remind us on the nightly news to stay hydrated, wear loose clothing, stay in the shade while outside, and eat small meals.

Small meals? I hardly want to eat at all! But, truly, sitting down to a big repast is not even appealing.

Use the heat as an opportunity to add a cooling meal of cut up fresh fruit of colorful melons and berries with yogurt.

Explore eating more vegetable protein. I prepare some soy noodles according to package directions then stir in a dollop of my homemade Sweet Basil Pesto (recipe in Toolkit for Wellness) and some fresh mozzarella. A small serving works as dinner along with a side salad of greens.

After a breakfast of eggs cooked with a few sliced black olives, Sweet Basil Pesto, and a large handful of spinach, lunch may be just a half of an avocado to tide me over until a dinner of some baked salmon and a side salad.

An evening of board games and snacks with friends does not have to sabotage your diet. Make the snacks your dinner by offering hummus (recipe HERE) along with sliced vegetables. Use cut up fruit to dip into yogurt. Serve pistachios – my newly discovered go-to nut – for a fun nutritional kick.

Pistachios are a bounty of good news.  Pistachios on Healthline passes on a lot of pistachio facts. I also found in many other sites. In summary, pistachios are an ancient – fruit! – consumed at least 7,000 BC in Asia. They are high in protein; lower in calories than other nuts; high in antioxidants; high in lutein for eye health; help gut bacteria; studies indicate they may help lower cholesterol; are low in the glycemic index which helps maintain steady blood sugar levels, AND in their shelled state, contribute to mindful eating as instead of gobbling up shelled nuts, the process of shelling each morsel slows down consumption and helps to keep track of portion size by seeing a stack of empty shells.

WOW! You have to love these nuts!

So- practice lightening up on the summer foods … It will “do your body good”!


Have you ever lived through a remodeling project? Growth and improvement not only requires time, energy, and a plan, but also brings a certain amount of pain and inconvenience. There is always dust, dirt, new traffic patterns, and making do with a hot plate instead of a stove… you know the drill. Life looks a little different for a while until your dream plans come together.

Well, not only has foodtalk4you been under construction, but I’m also “giving birth” to a business and another website! Thanks to my partner and construction manager, Sheree Alderman at The Sunshine Group, there’s been a lot of tearing down and rebuilding going on.

Our efforts have been centered on making foodtalk4you and my new landing page as user-friendly to readers as possible, and to be more connected and responsive to reader needs.

To that end, much updating has been done behind the scenes to foodtalk4you. It may look the same, but there are some subtle changes that we hope you appreciate. Namely, each post, past and present, will be assigned to one or two categories.

At the left of your computer screen you will notice a list of categories. If you want to peruse gluten free recipes, anti-inflammatory foods, habit building, stress reduction, exercise, or more – all you have to do is click on that category to read those posts.

We hope this new feature will help you navigate to posts that help you the most.

But then there’s the unexpected in renovations as well – read abject horror on my part – as maybe 25% of our readership list evaporated after a behind-the-scenes update process…

#$%&*$@#??!!!! – doesn’t even begin to cover our reaction.

We are desperately trying to rectify this…Sheree is burning the midnight oil…if you are reading this because of our standard email prompt…GREAT!

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But YOU can share this post with your friends, and we encourage you to do that again – especially – since they may have gotten lost in our reshuffle.

In addition…we will soon be sending our subscribers a THANK YOU GIFT!

Yes, we want to add value to your foodtalk4you experience with a special, downloadable booklet of 25 Easy Tweaks for Better Health. We appreciate your interest in foodtalk4you and our shared goal for better health one meal…one breath…one movement at a time and wanted to gift you with a ready resource for easily staying on top of your health.

Watch your inbox for this special, exclusive subscriber gift. Hope you enjoy it.

4 thoughts on “Summertime – And The Eating Is Easy …”

    1. Wow! That’s why I write! Best news ever! Improved health isn’t so complicated, is it! Please share your thoughts on a review in Amazon! I’ll be sharing exciting news about my next book on Monday, August 19th!

    1. Thank you, Carole. Sometimes the answers are easier than we think. Better health shouldn’t be complicated…we were designed for health!

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