Synchronicity – or Lucky Star?

Happenstance? Chance encounters? God wink? Coincidence? Or just dumb luck?

You pick.

As we slosh around on the ground in the day-to-day, our thoughts may stray to dumb luck.

It seems, though, when we take the proverbial bird’s eye view, or a higher suborbital view, we can often connect the dots of life happenings. Kind of like trying to help a 5-year-old understand that life is bigger than the little red-haired girl not wanting to sit next to them in lunch. It’s a matter of perspective.

Currently, I am surrounded by messages in books, articles, posts, texts, and conversations dealing with:

– Breaking down thought distortions

         –  Identifying limiting beliefs  

-Exploring the childhood emotional experiences that taught us limiting beliefs

       –  Embracing and then releasing those limiting beliefs

Discovering the liberation created in not requesting band aids for our broken life, but rather taking a hold of the change and growth that is happening so we can become our best selves

Writing down our desires, not as, “I want,” statements, but as, “I see a future vision of myself,” statements. “I want,” emphasizes our lack. The, “I see a future vision of myself,” is full of hope, possibilities, and an implied plan of action.

Things around me are building into something more beautiful, powerful, and meaningful with every passing day. There is evidence, for me, of a great universal synchronicity – that is working for good.

Take the high-up view of your life. Are you seeing patterns of meaningful growth? How can you embrace that for the good?

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The phone is by my side as I await to hear of the birth of another granddaughter! Now, that’s something to celebrate!

In health-


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