Tag Archives: ToolKit-For-Caregivers

There’s No Place Like Home, Toto …

We interrupt this hurricane to give you the following important announcement. Toolkit for Caregivers, is now published and available for purchase on Amazon! As a bonus, a second book – Toolkit for Caregiver Survival – is included. That’s right. Two books for the price of one and under one cover!

If you are young, healthy, and thinking that becoming a caregiver to your parents or spouse is decades away, the bonus book is for you now. There’s a way to approach caregiving that will make future family dynamic transitions less traumatic for all involved.

You see, we never know when that job description of “caregiver” will be plopped into our laps. Sometimes a slow aging process or predictable disease progression is not what happens.

Sometimes life turns on a dime, and we find ourselves assisting a loved one healing from a sudden accident or surgery.

Sometimes, after a brief period of not feeling well, we are hit with a crushing diagnosis.

Being a caregiver to a loved one at home is not reserved for grandma helping grandpa in his 90s. In fact, the average age of caregivers of loved ones at home is 49 years old.

The new term coined by the Hospice Foundation of America is “Silver Tsunami.” This tidal wave of Baby Boomers becoming Medicare eligible at a rate of 10,000 a day is not only going to need the services of a loving family caregiver, but is also going to become a caregiver for someone at home in the future.

This represents a double-edged sword for the Baby Boomers AND creates family transitions across the generations. Truly, no one is immune from caregiving issues.

The five-star reviews are coming in for this new release, and reflect readers’ appreciation of the information provided in this double book.

Why don’t you check it out yourself here:

The preview feature will give you a meaningful peek inside. You will notice from the table of contents, I have made every effort to answer caregiver concerns that no other book does.

Whether you are decades away from becoming a caregiver to a loved one, or you are starting to see the handwriting on the wall and know you may be entering the world of caregiving, this double offering of Toolkit for Caregivers will guide you through the most challenging job description ever given to someone.

These tips, skills, and wisdom for before, during and after will become a lifeline so you can avoid common pitfalls, make your loved one more comfortable, and enable you to maximize the time you have together.

Toolkit for Caregivers is for you. It’s for your friends and family. It’s for your doctor, nurse. It’s for your home health and Hospice agency. It’s helpful for funeral homes as they support those in pre-planning or those just new to grieving. There’s something for everybody.

Foodtalk4you is all about sharing useful information. I decline offers to monetize this site because I do not want to keep hounding my readers with pop-up ads, op-ins, and buy-this-now offers. I just want to share pertinent information that could make a difference in improving life.

Please share this book link with some of the 40 million plus caregivers of loved ones at home, your families and friends, and with those individuals and organizations that ultimately serve caregivers.

My immediate sharing goals include local presentations to groups in the Carolinas. Because I am just one person, there is an on-line option for Caregiver Workshops that I will be exploring. Anyone interested in a Caregiver Workshop with a book signing, please contact me at: Deidre@ToolkitsForHealth.com.

Now, let’s return to our Hurricane Dorian coverage on the Weather Channel.

Our life in the Carolinas could radically change this week.

Prayers that my lovely historical town will not get flooded again; we are still rebuilding after last year’s Florence.

In health-
