The Oatmeal Verdict is Still Out

As readers know, my house is gluten free by choice, not absolute necessity. There are times when an indulgence will happen – as in great crusty restaurant bread … mmm … but that’s a rare happening – especially now when we are, basically, staying home for every meal.

Passing on fluffy, yeasty “air rolls” our kids used to smush into gluten-y nuggets at restaurants is not hard at all. Easy-peasy.

But gluten-free oatmeal? Sounds safe. Maybe.

I was all set to extol the virtues of my new “gruel,” which has done an admirable job of sustaining me throughout the mornings recently, when I noticed – yet again – some unhappy hip and knee joints.

What’s this? No more oatmeal?

The jury is still out. Last time I got on an oatmeal jag, the same thing happened.

Was that a fluke? Is this a fluke?

I don’t know folks. The verdict on this one has not been pronounced for me.

But so many people simply love oatmeal and eat it on a regular basis. A friend of mine adores his bowl of steel cut oats with cinnamon, milk, and a hint of stevia each morning. Satisfying and somehow grounding – a great way to start the day.

So … occasionally, I will concoct my oatmeal potion. Taste buds do cartwheels and energy levels stay steady. Regular readers know I would have to ramp up the nutrition and sugarless flavor components using the usual suspects: hemp seed hearts, collagen, vanilla, and cinnamon.

Let’s whip up a batch of Super-Powered Oatmeal!

Super-Powered Oatmeal

Serves 2-3 (So hearty, you don’t need as much!)


½ cup gluten-free oatmeal

½ cup gluten-free steel cut oats

¼ cup hemp seed hearts

3 Tbs collagen hydrolysate

Pinch of salt



1 ½ – 2 cups almond milk


Throw it all in a small pan; cook on medium until bubbly; reduce heat and continue to cook, stirring occasionally. Purists may want to add the vanilla at the end.

Variations on milk depend upon how creamy you want your cereal and on how much steel cut oats you use.

Geez, who really measures this stuff? I usually put all the oats into a one cup measure and eyeball equality. This is in the morning while sipping my first cup of coffee, after all.

If you have not whipped that sweet tooth into shape, a modicum of sugar may be added to the pot – really, with all the vanilla and cinnamon – maybe a teaspoon could be used – that’s it.

Find a cute small bowl to add to the experience. You just don’t need a huge serving. Why?

Okay, kids. Back to home school. Quiz time.

What’s in hemp seeds?

Right! Omega 3 fatty acids! Quoting from pages 74-75 in my first book, Toolkit for Wellness:

Number two on everyone’s list is Omega 3 – the long chain fatty acid of EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid, and DHA, docosahexaenoic acid, which are found in wild fish and grass-fed meat.

A summary of its benefits include:

  • Decreasing cancer rates
    • Decreasing auto-immune responses
    • Increasing insulin sensitivity
    • Decreasing insulin resistance
    • Decreasing nerve degeneration processes
    • Promotes healing of the gut

Hemp hearts also have a whopping 10 grams of protein to every 3 tablespoons.

Next question: Why collagen?

Three tablespoons of unflavored collagen hydrolysate have over 16 grams of protein and all the essential fatty acids – remember science class: building blocks of protein – that you need to power up your body. That’s why Ms. Deidre adds collagen to so many things to ramp up the nutritional profile.

Well, Ms. Deidre, why are you always using cinnamon?

Good question! Don’t you remember on page 161 of your Toolkit for Wellness textbook, cinnamon not only helps mimic sweetness, but it also is loaded with antioxidants, calms inflammation, helps reduce insulin resistance, and helps with blood sugar levels?

When combined with vanilla extract, a non-sugary sweet factor can be achieved that will not scramble blood sugar levels or brains.

That’s a win-win for all home-schooling families. No squirrely kids! Yay!

In health-


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