Category Archives: Book Fair

GOD: Yes, I Hear You …

There are those who pride themselves in avoiding all forms of social media. That’s fine. Taken to an extreme, we are apt to have permanently bent over necks and backs as we gaze at our phones instead of looking up or out at the world in the first person.

Checking on the latest news in my respective feeds is something I do have to rein in from time to time. There is the element of becoming addicted.

But hearing the daily “Banjoy” from George Oliver as he plays a short banjo ditty from his front porch or seeing the latest photograph or drone video from photographer friends, Elaine Varley, Sue Williams, Steve Smith, and Ben Linderman, and my day is brighter.

Then, a friend will post an inspiring thought I might share as well.

Some posts seem to come around every so often. I appreciate the repeated messages of hope and love. Often, they seem to appear just when I need them.

Then, there’s this poem that found its way to my Facebook feed again earlier this month. Perhaps you, too, have seen it:

HEY GOD – Author, John Roedel

Me: Hey God

God: Hello …

Me: I’m falling apart. Can you put me back together?

God: I would rather not.

Me: Why?

God: Because you aren’t a puzzle.

Me: What about all of the pieces of my life that are falling down onto the ground?

God: Let them stay there for a while. They fell off for a reason. Take some time and decide if you need any of those pieces back.

Me: You don’t understand! I’m breaking down!

God: No – you don’t understand. You are breaking through. What you are feeling are just growing pains. You are shedding the things and the people in your life that are holding you back. You aren’t falling apart. You are falling into place. Relax. Take some deep breaths and allow those things you don’t need any more to fall off of you. Quit holding onto the pieces that don’t fit you anymore. Let them fall off. Let them go.

Me: Once I start doing that, what will be left of me?

God: Only the very best pieces of you.

Me: I’m scared of changing.

God: I keep telling you – YOU AREN’T CHANGING!! YOU ARE BECOMING!

Me: Becoming who?

God: Becoming who I created you to be! A person of light and love and charity and hope and courage and joy and mercy and grace and compassion. I made you for more than the shallow pieces you have decided to adorn yourself with that you cling to with such greed and fear. Let those things fall off of you. I love you! Don’t change! … Become! Become! Become who I made you to be. I’m going to keep telling you this until you remember it.

Me: There goes another piece.

God: Yep. Let it be.

Me: So … I’m not broken?

God: Of course Not! – but you are breaking like the dawn. It’s a new day. Become!! Become!!

Becoming is our everyday state, our journey. My appreciation for the state of becoming increases with each passing year – it’s a part of gaining perspective.

It’s easy to see the uncomfortable changing processes on the heels of tragedy, grief, loss, or enormous positive shifts in our lives. But the subtleties of cleaning out a closet cannot be ignored as we let go, realizing we no longer need this or that.

This becoming thing has lessons for us on cosmic, earthly, and on mundane levels.

The words of John Roedel are resonating with me to the point I have now purchased two of his books and am following him on Facebook. The details of the birth of his writing journey may inspire your own life journey. Check him out HERE.

Just wanted to share something of value with you today.

In health-


If this has been useful to you, please use the MORE button below to share.

Follow-Up to Caregiver Conference – Free Gifts!

Summary of Online Events of November 16, 2021





Twitter: @Alexandraallred

As Alex is fond of saying, it doesn’t matter how big or small you are, you have a voice! As she fights for her parents against Alzheimer’s and dementia, Alex’s “Operation Caregivers,” is yet another battle to restore dignity for those who suffer from the disease and empowerment for their

FREEBIE1: Here is a link for the book, “Alzheimer’s and Dementia 101,” and I will be giving away 10 copies of this book:…

FREEBIE2: For those looking for some serious Girl Power, I will also be giving away free copies of “Awareness is Armor”:…

 Email Alex at: (Reference that you saw her on The Complete Caregiver Guide event) and request a copy of either “Alzheimer’s and Dementia 101” OR “Awareness is Armor.”

First come, first serve!


If you are one of the millions of people who has become a caregiver to a loved one, Deidre’s Toolkit for Caregivers will guide you through that maze of caregiving concerns that threaten to overwhelm and consume you.





FREEBIE: We are giving three lucky people our most popular publication, Toolkit for Caregivers. Toolkit for Caregivers blends the demands associated with caring for another with a calmer atmosphere and self-assured peacefulness – creating a remedy for a more purposeful, soothing atmosphere, beneficial to both you and your patient. Please take the time to sign up for our drawing. We would love for the winner to be you!

Click here to enter:

I would also like to share the link to my free online course,

​Family Caregiver Emotions | Toolkits for Health (


Lori is a passionate advocate who searches for ways to shift our dementia care culture from crisis to comfort. She was recognized as the #1 Influencer Online for Alzheimer’s. As a professional speaker and daughter of a mother with dementia for over 30 years, Lori gets it! Change is needed on multiple levels.



Instagram: @AlzheimersSpeaks


Twitter:      @AlzSpks


Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio:

Alzheimer’s Speaks Blog:

Dementia Map Global Resource Directory:

FREEBIE: A downloadable brochure giving tips to communicate…


Lucia has worked for over 25 years with elders, high-risk population and persons with chronic conditions, as well as their caregivers, in a wide range of community, research, and institutional settings. She developed a pioneering practice using mindfulness to improve the quality of life in community, hospital, clinic and nursing home settings.



FREEBIE: A 3-minute audio file, “Breathing Space”:…


Kate is a speaker, coach, media expert, fitness and wellness buff, and mom. Kate is committed to inspiring others to live a breakthrough life.





FREEBIE: Download “Learn How to Handle Tolerations” worksheet:


Divya’s strategies motivate leaders, cross-functional groups, and teams to cultivate independent leadership, the interdependence between themselves and their internal and external customers to achieve a combined mastery of connectivity and alignment. Her experience allows her to guide leaders, teams, and professionals through complicated business and personal challenges.








FREEBIE: Free audio program:


During the past four decades, Dr. Marion has provided care for more than 2,000 elderly clients while she owned and operated a thriving Geriatric Care Management practice. It is now Dr. Marion’s goal to help caregivers everywhere by providing valuable insights and information.





FREEBIE: A one-page A to Z caregiving guide for the caregivers who are often overworked and underappreciated –


Claudia is a burnout prevention and stress resilience coach and mentor, a self-care advocate, and a motivational speaker. She is also an entrepreneur, a digital course creator and founder of the ”Unstoppable You Wellness Academy,” an online platform offering digital courses, digital products and online trainings, with the mission to empower those who are burned out.


Private FB Group for moms and caregivers The Unstoppable Mom


FB Business Page Claudia Taboada — The Unstoppable Mom:…


FREEBIE: The Unstoppable You Self-Care and Total Wellness Assessment. Here is the link to subscribe:


Petra is an author and entrepreneur who turned her attention to finding real-world elder care solutions after a series of unexpected events left her scrambling to help her parents manage their affairs. Her desire was to offer other adult children of seniors practical advice they could use in their own lives.




FREEBIE: The Elder Care Playbook

NOTE: If you wish to save a copy of this on your computer or want to print it out, click our PRINT button below – under DESTINATION, scroll down to PDF and click SAVE.

Got A Heart(string)?

You can enjoy some kite-flying weather in the United States right now, but our post is not about kites today.

No, we’re talking about metaphorical heartstrings.

We don’t hear much about heartstrings anymore. You know the expressions, “That story really tugged at my heartstrings”? or “Zing! Went the strings of my heart”?

Most old sayings are rooted in truth. We do have strings in our heart called the chordae tendineae. They hang onto one of the two kinds of heart valve flaps we have, allowing them to close just enough during each beat.

Understanding the concept of love reaching out over the miles during a pandemic, or across space and time as in the Titanic love song, “My Heart Will Go On,” can be a tricky concept to explain to young children or even adults.

How do you paint the picture of feeling love, connection, or concern in your heart? How is it that we are connected? How do you demonstrate love never dies? How do we remain connected after physical separation?

One mother, Patrice Karst, sought a way to explain this phenomenon to her young son, Elijah, and in so doing, has given adults and children a physical way to see that which is invisible.

Her book called, The Invisible String was born. With a relatable, down-to-earth story, and masterful illustrations by Joanne Lew-Vriethoff, Patrice Karst brings to life the love ties that bind and connect us all.

  • Is your child anxious about leaving you when going to school, especially after staying at home so much?
  • Has a best friend moved away?
  • Is a parent being deployed?
  • Has a loved one died?
  • Is there a sense of disconnect because of travel restrictions?

I think this book will go a long way in demonstrating the strength and nature of love to young ones and will serve as a great reminder to the adults reading, The Invisible String, as well.

I have my copy! It’s ready to share with grandkids, and has already reminded me not to pout too much, when not hearing from someone for a while. That love string is still there. Maybe I need to make it stronger by reaching out to them.

Thank you, Natalie, my Facebook friend, for sharing this delightful book with me! Now, I am spreading the love by sharing it with my readers!

If you enjoyed this post, please share on social media, and click on the subscribe button so you won’t miss the next post.

In health and love-


There’s No Place Like Home, Toto …

We interrupt this hurricane to give you the following important announcement. Toolkit for Caregivers, is now published and available for purchase on Amazon! As a bonus, a second book – Toolkit for Caregiver Survival – is included. That’s right. Two books for the price of one and under one cover!

If you are young, healthy, and thinking that becoming a caregiver to your parents or spouse is decades away, the bonus book is for you now. There’s a way to approach caregiving that will make future family dynamic transitions less traumatic for all involved.

You see, we never know when that job description of “caregiver” will be plopped into our laps. Sometimes a slow aging process or predictable disease progression is not what happens.

Sometimes life turns on a dime, and we find ourselves assisting a loved one healing from a sudden accident or surgery.

Sometimes, after a brief period of not feeling well, we are hit with a crushing diagnosis.

Being a caregiver to a loved one at home is not reserved for grandma helping grandpa in his 90s. In fact, the average age of caregivers of loved ones at home is 49 years old.

The new term coined by the Hospice Foundation of America is “Silver Tsunami.” This tidal wave of Baby Boomers becoming Medicare eligible at a rate of 10,000 a day is not only going to need the services of a loving family caregiver, but is also going to become a caregiver for someone at home in the future.

This represents a double-edged sword for the Baby Boomers AND creates family transitions across the generations. Truly, no one is immune from caregiving issues.

The five-star reviews are coming in for this new release, and reflect readers’ appreciation of the information provided in this double book.

Why don’t you check it out yourself here:

The preview feature will give you a meaningful peek inside. You will notice from the table of contents, I have made every effort to answer caregiver concerns that no other book does.

Whether you are decades away from becoming a caregiver to a loved one, or you are starting to see the handwriting on the wall and know you may be entering the world of caregiving, this double offering of Toolkit for Caregivers will guide you through the most challenging job description ever given to someone.

These tips, skills, and wisdom for before, during and after will become a lifeline so you can avoid common pitfalls, make your loved one more comfortable, and enable you to maximize the time you have together.

Toolkit for Caregivers is for you. It’s for your friends and family. It’s for your doctor, nurse. It’s for your home health and Hospice agency. It’s helpful for funeral homes as they support those in pre-planning or those just new to grieving. There’s something for everybody.

Foodtalk4you is all about sharing useful information. I decline offers to monetize this site because I do not want to keep hounding my readers with pop-up ads, op-ins, and buy-this-now offers. I just want to share pertinent information that could make a difference in improving life.

Please share this book link with some of the 40 million plus caregivers of loved ones at home, your families and friends, and with those individuals and organizations that ultimately serve caregivers.

My immediate sharing goals include local presentations to groups in the Carolinas. Because I am just one person, there is an on-line option for Caregiver Workshops that I will be exploring. Anyone interested in a Caregiver Workshop with a book signing, please contact me at:

Now, let’s return to our Hurricane Dorian coverage on the Weather Channel.

Our life in the Carolinas could radically change this week.

Prayers that my lovely historical town will not get flooded again; we are still rebuilding after last year’s Florence.

In health-


It’s Our Birthday!!

It’s official! Our 5th birthday is today!

This is our 108th post. Looking back, it’s been quite ride!

Foodtalk4you was launched by sharing the advice of some of the best minds on promoting healthy ways to improve your life. Our first post was up and running on April, 12, 2014. Take a look at our first message from the archives HERE – Can’t vs Don’t.

There has been a lot of advice readers have – hopefully – used as a springboard to self-improvement by utilizing the techniques described for small daily changes.

Sharing the results and findings of my personal research into improved health and wellness has – and is – my joy. Looking back through previous posts about nutrition, helpful recipes to stay on track for an anti-inflammatory and gluten-free diet, stress reduction, exercise, and ways to help shape our mindset, makes me proud – and more determined than ever – to pass on the fullness of what life can be …

… because we are designed for health.

This birthday event is reminding me to go back to my Word of the Year: Reach.

At foodtalk4you we are trying to reach out to all our readers – current and future! There’s an aspect of growth in reaching. We will expand and strengthen our reach by meeting the needs of our readers. Is there a topic you want to learn more about? Please leave us a comment.

Working toward my personal wellness goals, I am reminded that in order  to reach an ideal body weight or cholesterol level, moment-to-moment application of body kindness must be applied. My mindset is all about “doing my body good.”

This week, I reached out for a different therapy to address several body issues. Somehow, my increased exercise, alone and coupled with chiropractic care, was not addressing all of my needs. Rather, some body misalignment was being magnified by the very treatments that were supposed to help.

Things hurt here and there.

I know. I know. “You’re getting older…”

None of us has ever been this old before. We are all plowing new ground every day!

BUT we were “designed for health,” and I wanted to not hurt here and there.

Upon further evaluation of my discomfort.  x-rays turned out fine; but misalignment of the back may be causing hip problems, as well as those heel-spur-like feelings in my heels. Enter my massage therapist who is helping smooth out the muscles, (pulling on those bones), and opening up the energy flow and promoting pain relief!

Foodtalk4you wants to help you reach your own goals for improved health.

Are habits a stumbling block for you? To help you, there will be more posts about habit formation.

Are you looking for an easy breakfast? Next week’s post will please you.

Interested in learning more about Intermittent Fasting? I’ll be sharing my experiences soon, along with resources for further study.

Is there a way to make your evening stroll even better? Jane Austen thought so!

If you wanted one daily health “hack,” what would it be?

Drink one glass of water first thing each morning before leaving the bathroom. Sets up the digestive system for the new day! Easy to do and super easy to remember.

Want to reach your exercise goals for the day but can’t go to the gym? Ask Alexa to play the Beach Boys, “Little Deuce Coupe,” or, “Help Me Rhonda,” and march, kick, swing, and sway for a joyful energy-packed workout right in your kitchen.

Do you need to dig deep within yourself to reach new levels of personal strength, fortitude, grace, and calm? Foodtalk4you will help you to get there. HERE  is 2017’s Super Brain Yoga and HERE, from 2015, we go back to the basics with BREATHE.

Looking for a way to reach out to someone in love? Come bearing this Coconut Ganache Recipe.

As we think about blowing out the candles on our birthday cake, please let us know how foodtalk4you can best reach you. What do you need to conquer to be healthier?


In an attempt to ‘reach’ caregivers of loved ones at home, I am so excited to announce that Toolkit for Caregivers and Love Lives Here: Toolkit for Caregiver Survival are a few steps closer to being published. Currently in the formatting stage, they will actually be published TOGETHER – at least for a limited time – and will be available soon in eBooks and print format through Amazon! I’ll keep you updated.

Sheree (Ninja)

Endless thanks to Sheree Alderman for making our posts so colorful. Her selection of images always helps to drive a point home and often gives a needed laugh as well. Her children’s books may be found on Amazon HERE.  (Ah, shucks….kicks dirt)

Reaching others in health-


God Winks

New Bern, NC – Have you done that DNA thing with a registry that will reveal from what part of the world your ancestors came? So tempting. A great gift idea, too. Haven’t taken that swab plunge yet, but sometimes a very Nordic, “Yah,” periodically comes out of my mouth that I wonder, “where did that come from?”

Anyway, I am in the middle of a “domino drop” of sorts that started out with a random cancelation. You know what I mean: some ‘random’ thing that leads to something else that leads to something else? The dominoes keep tipping over in a beautiful opening of blessings?

This past September, I received a call from my minister of music and senior adults, early on a Friday, that a cancelation had just occurred for the senior adult fall trip leaving for Pennsylvania in two days. Would I like to go? Well, sure! Let me pack my bag!

This trip was going to take me over the first bumps in the road to widowhood: my husband’s birthday and what would have been our 42nd wedding anniversary. Coincidence? We’ll see. Keep reading.

Our tour of the lush and rolling landscape of historic Pennsylvania took our group to Hershey, Lancaster, Gettysburg, Sturgis, and other wonderful places. Every day was packed with good food, splendid vistas, great company, laughter, and new experiences.

One evening, we dined with an Amish family who served traditional Amish fare supplied by a local restaurant and who opened up for an honest and frank question and answer period. As a personal thank you gift, I gave her a signed copy of my book, Toolkit for Wellness, as a gesture of sharing, in kind, a bit of myself.

Flash forward to late November, and what should appear in my mailbox but a book from our lovely Amish hostess. She shared in her inscription that someone had given her a copy of the enclosed book when her husband had died in 2010, but that she waited two years to read it. She said that reading the book, When God Winks at You, changed her life.

She said that I will find my God wink when I least expect it.

This is not an attempt to answer questions wondering why God allows “this or that,” when I also believe in God blessing random coincidences at times.

Let the author’s website speaks for itself:

“Squire Rushnell teaches you how to use the power of “God winks” — divine coincidences — to seize certainty in uncertain times and enrich your career and relationships.

Whether you call it synchronicity or coincidence, it is not an accident that you just picked up When God Winks. In fact, you may have suspected all along that there is more to coincidence than meets the eye. These seemingly random events are actually sign posts that can help you successfully navigate your career, relationships, and interests. By recognizing the God winks our Creator sometimes places in our paths, we can understand—and embrace—the journey God has laid out for us.

As my wink let me pass on this random blessing to you in the form of a book-giving idea for the holidays.

Speaking of book-giving at Christmas – where did that tradition come from? I have always loved giving and getting books for Christmas. Yah?

Yah? Well, seems the Icelanders started it all off. Their word for it is Jolabokaflod, which roughly translated is “Christmas book flood.”

Seems that during WWII, books were one of the most un-rationed items readily available to give as gifts at Christmas. Hence, a strong tradition of book ownership, reading, and Christmas gift preferences.

Whether we are from Iceland, Norway, or where ever, I can recommend not only anything from the God Winks books but also Out of the Maze by the author of Who Moved My Cheese.

While change is one of the few constants in this world, it’s the one we tend to like the least. The older we get, the tighter we cling to the old ways and resist anything new.

So many people in my community are being trust into change post Hurricane Florence. Out with the old, in with the new – maybe a new community altogether. Have you lost or changed jobs? Lost a loved one? There’s plenty of change swirling around us.

Want it or not.

I have to say that the simple wisdom found in this quick read of Out of the Maze has helped me in my own transitions of late. It’s a great book to pull off the shelf at the start of each New Year as we all move forward with our lives and pause to reflect on our progress or to consider if we are ‘stuck’ in a maze.

There you go. I’ve given you two great leads for presents for yourself and for your loved ones.

That’s why I call this Foodtalk4you, because these articles are targeted to be ‘food’ for your mind, body, and spirit.

Don’t forget to subscribe by clicking the subscribe button. You’ll get an email when there’s a new post. That’s it. No hard sales and no sharing of your information.

In health-



This and That

New Bern, NC – Still enjoying some of the cornucopia of goodness from Thanksgiving? Leftovers may be my favorite part of the holiday, so it seems appropriate to have savored my Cranberry Secret Sauce over some peanut butter on gluten free toast for breakfast today.


Check last week’s post to keep that tasty and versatile jewel of redness around for the whole holiday season.

This week foodtalk4you is serving a bit of this and that as well – a cornucopia of seemingly random information that is so appropriate for the season. Let’s dig right in!


You’ve probably noticed how the trend has been away from anti-bacterial hand soap.

For those of us who wizened up to the more current wisdom that regular hand soap did a fine job, thank you, we were often at a loss to find regular liquid soaps. Seems that the relentless use of all things anti-bacterial can actually train germs to grow stronger to resist the effects of anti-bacterial germ warfare.

Finally, Bath and Body Works and other purveyors of “soap-ness,” have returned to offering most of their wares in the non-antibacterial form. Excellent!

Having said that, I do like to use a foaming anti-bacterial soap before handling my contact lenses or touching my eyes.

Here’s the thing I just discovered. You DO NOT have to buy foaming soaps! It’s a rip off.

How do I know?

Well, after accidentally buying the regular liquid to refill my foaming squirt-top container, I discovered regular liquid is too thick to go through the apparatus. What to do? I tried diluting the liquid – one-part soap to 2-3 parts water – guess what? Foaming soap! Think of all the water I had been buying all those years.

You’re welcome!

No matter what soap we use, the trick is in proper handwashing technique. Rub, rub, rub those dirty paws thoroughly. Get to all surfaces of the hands, between fingers, and scrape your nails along the palm of the opposite hand to drive the soap bubbles underneath them. The rubbing process with soapy hands should last for 15-20 seconds or two hums of the Happy Birthday song.

Dont forget to include those wrists!

Says Deidre, “Using one soapy hand to wrap around the opposite wrist, twist back and forth several times. Repeat for the other wrist!”

No kidding. If your family is continually passing around the “crud,” truly proper handwashing, coupled with not touching your face, will break that hand-to-mouth/eye/nose circle of germ circulation.


Today’s next tidbit is something I’ve successfully employed in my recovery from being in a hypervigilant state for the past two years – even longer, as I endeavored to be “on-the-ready” for my husband’s changing needs.

Just because the need for hypervigilance is no longer there, does not mean our nervous systems magically switch to a normal maintenance mode. Some of my symptoms were manifesting as an irregular heartbeat at bedtime.

My former nighttime caregiver routine was busy and emotionally taxing; sleeping time meant keeping a constant ear out for my husband. No wonder I was showing stress: relaxing at night was contrary to what I was actually doing.

Maybe you, too, are trying to come off of a hypervigilant state. Whether it’s a different living circumstance, a change in jobs, or a change in relationships, converting to a calmer state of mind is not easy. Others may wonder why you may be having a rough time since the “problem” has been eliminated.

You and I know differently.

While I am still very much a work in progress, I would like to share a bit of success that may help you, too. Curing hypervigilance and anxiety requires a multi-faceted approach, often with professional counselors, but this may be a starting point for you.

By the time I had read up to page 62 of Virginia Ritterbusch’s book, Reframe Your Viewpoints, harness stress and anxiety, transform it into peace and confidence, I was writing in the margins with my epiphany.

Following her recommendations to look at today’s circumstances, with a focus suitable for our adult selves TODAY and not from our former traumatic focus of yesterday, I realized the source of my heart palpitations.

I learned to see/recognize my anxiety; to feel what I was feeling; and to substitute an alternate thought for my anxiety.

This is how that went for me – here comes that nightly tension; I’m feeling those strong erratic beats of my heart which causes more anxiety – and instead of the usual tailspin, I applied alternate thinking.

I thanked those feelings/friends for having kept me on alert for so long, but now the need was no longer there. All I needed to do was to relax to go to sleep and get some much-needed rest. Those helpful feelings of hypervigilance can assist me in the future when I need to be vigilant, but not now. Right now, I’ve got this, and I’m going to spend a few minutes of being mindful of my quiet breathing.

Those nightly heart palpitations have vanished. I keep with mindful breathing each night before retiring. Reading the print version of Virginia’s book each night also helps.

Remember to be “off screen” before bed each night; the blue light of electronic screens is detrimental to the production of sleep-inducing hormones. Read something relaxing and helpful from a good old-fashioned printed book. It can be part of your winding-down routine for a good night’s sleep.


Last, but not least, a quick update on healing chicken soup.

As a vocalist in three choirs over the holidays, keeping the “pipes” working is a big job. While post-hurricane mold spores swirl in the air along with the usual mix of wintertime viruses, many of us are walking a thin line between health and vocal collapse.

I’ve ramped up the usual version of chicken, broth, garlic, and fresh ginger with the addition of some fresh sliced whole lemon and dill as a gently complimentary spice.

I’ve cheated the all-night simmering of chicken bones with large boxes of organic, free range, chicken bone broth.


Quick, Healing, Chicken Soup – 2018 version

With just the following ingredients you can have some yummy, healing soup:

2 inches fresh ginger, peeled and thinly sliced

5 cloves of garlic, smashed and chopped

¼ sweet onion, diced

2 T. olive oil

Several thin slices of whole lemon from the middle of the fruit (about ½ lemon or more)

2 chicken thighs

2 chicken legs

1 large container of chicken bone broth

Salt, pepper, and dill weed to taste

In soup pot, sauté the ginger, garlic, onion in olive oil until fragrant. Add the chicken, bone broth (with some water to rinse container), lemon slices, and seasonings. Simmer until chicken is falling off the bone.

Remove chicken; take meat off the bones. Cut cooked chicken into bite-sized pieces and return to soup pot.

Ladle up a fragrant bowl of healing goodness.


Until next week-





Earliest Food Explorers

I’ve been a silent blogger of late. Somehow the inspiration of sharing helpful messages about healthful habits and recipes with my readers escaped me. Earlier this year, I pushed through the pressing personal concerns surrounding me to nurture the creative process, but I have sort of let you down of late. Apologies.

I had been trying a different coping technique, whereby, I gave in to my limited bandwidth. I just concentrated on being a dedicated caregiver and staying active, with weekly trips to the gym and outings to enjoy a leisurely breakfast in solitude. It was so nice drinking coffee I did not brew and eating a brunch I did not prepare. A needed journey in self-indulgence, perhaps.

Then there was springtime at the local nurseries! I wrote about the rejuvenating atmosphere found in nurseries last year (HERE), and I, once again, bathed in the essences of new growth and promise. Spent a bundle buying my little plants, but I am assured of months of color and beauty.

I get a relaxing therapy session every time I look out the back windows. Why, even doing dishes is fun while glancing up to appreciate my own little Eden.


But something was missing.


When there’s a song in your heart, you sing – right?

The teacher/writer in my soul still wants to help others.

Looking around some of my favorite online resources for nutrition and book marketing, I began to see, the nutrition camp is melding into a marketer’s paradise. So well, in fact, I hardly ever open their exhausting, sales-pitching emails anymore. I now recognize when I’m being encouraged and steered into making another purchase.

They are just trying to earn a living, I know; but the “lather, rinse, and repeat” process was becoming so transparent that it created a great ennui. It’s like putting the gum by the cash register. Here’s how it works:

Savvy marketers love labels. Identify (or create) a need. Write a book with an answer to that need. Write a blog to grow the mailing list. Sell a product that embraces the new hip label. Go to the bank.

Have you noticed the paleo writers all seem to have a side hustle about “Keto” related? After writing how-to books, recipe books, and countless blogs, my favorite paleo gurus are now on the Ketogenic bandwagon. Their new book releases all sport Keto-friendly labels. Their latest products are “Keto-centric” as well- meaning, they are totally focused on low-carb, high-fat foods.

Just another “trendy” diet?

New, deeper knowledge is never a bad thing. I’ve been aware of ketogenic diets for fifteen years as a part of successful approach to dealing with seizure disorders and perhaps a life-extending diet for cancer patients. Getting one’s metabolism to burn body fat through ketosis is all fine and good for weight loss as well.

When a new thought turns into a buzz word, however, I get a little suspicious – especially, if there are related products to sell. Of course, selling a product puts food on the seller’s table; I understand that.

While we’re at it, please buy my own book, Toolkit for Wellness! (Pssssst! There’s good stuff in it!)

But my readers are still floundering a bit with the whole label thing. Should they be learning about this new way of eating? Maybe there’s some keto magic pill they should be taking each morning? To be sure, there are books, blogs, recipes, and a ton of keto products to buy!

Is the label going to make you feel better?



Label exploration can be an excuse to delay action – which is what is really needed – not study.

A recent Facebook posting by my son brings this very point home. With his permission, I am quoting his post to demonstrate what our actions are doing for us:


James: Wow! I gained, then lost, 12 lbs. inside 7 days. Because biscuits, gravy, syrup, and fried food, followed by none of that nonsense. Also zero trips to the gym.

Friend: What did you eat?

James: Make that 13 lbs. …. Garbage, essentially. Sweet, sweet, delicious garbage. Followed by the usual steak, salmon, eggs, sausage, bacon, olives, oils, tons of nuts, red wine, and lots of spinach salad…all the stuff I post food pics of! …down 35-40 lbs. in last year and was reasonably fit when I started. It’s just astounding though that carbs have such an overnight effect.

Friend: Diet is everything but exercise helps a lot too!

James: Exercise is a must, for sure, but seems to relate mostly to muscle mass and overall metabolic rate. Diet composition (rather than calories eaten…because I eat like a champ) seems to be directly tied to body fat % and water retention/bloat.

Friend: Sodium is another weight adder. I recently had a cheat day where lunch was a cheeseburger with chili cheese fries followed by Chinese for dinner. I woke up the next day 7 pounds heavier! Couldn’t believe it. Went back on the good diet and lost all that water weight in three days

James: Exactly. Crazy.


Our son posts mouth-watering pictures of his large Reverse Sear Steaks…  Oh, my goodness…  Along with huge green salads. No baked potatoes. No dishes of linguine.    

“Boy, his cholesterol must be through the roof! How’s that doing for him?”

Funny you should ask. The doctor just checked his levels and pronounced them “phenomenally good,” with a marked improvement in blood sugar readings, which were down from a pre-diabetic level 4 years ago.

Remember the science lesson from my book (listed above): Carbohydrates drive blood sugars and insulin levels, and insulin levels drive cholesterol. Done.

In the coming posts, I shall share some awesome, health-friendly, taste bud rapture-worthy meals that will send you to the kitchen to duplicate.

In the meantime, re-read James’ post. It’s really that simple. Love that boy! He’s been teaching Mama a trick or two that she’s going to be sharing with all of you!

In health-





February Book Fair!

Welcome to the first Foodtalk4you Book Fair!

Since becoming an author, I haveWriter_banner-630x630 been blessed to discover a vast array of new releases that cover a broad range of topics about health, life, self-improvement, and even business. My reading list is growing each week, and contains books that I want to share with my readers.

So, the idea of a monthly Book Fair just came to me. If you like this, plans are set to do a weekly Book Fair during July so you will have extra titles to peruse while on vacation at the beach or in the mountains!

My Story of Survival, by Mimi Emmanuel, is an inspiring story that takes my message of anti-inflammatory eating another step. Read my review:

5.0 out of 5 starsStory of My Survival

This is a God-send read for those with mysterious food intolerance.

By Deidre J. Edwards on December 6, 2015

Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

At the end of your digestive rope? Hang on, you are not alone and I have a friend who can help! This is an honest-to-goodness real story of one woman’s grit and self-determination when faced with an overwhelming medical conundrum as to why her body was on revolt.

You can’t be the master of a sinking ship without becoming a master builder – becoming a student on how to patch and rebuild. Mimi Emmanuel learned how to craft her own survival diet out of just a very few ingredients. While she hopes that none of her readers would ever have to follow her diet, she shares this journey to show that there are answers to be found. There are times when the standard elimination diet is far too broad for those suffering from a fried immune and digestive system.

She shares the Spartan but nourishing diet she had to follow for FIVE years as well as how she has tippy-toed into a more varied Phase 2. I especially like her “useful facts” she places throughout the book to not only make her case as to nutritional needs, but also spark a deeper interest for further study and personal application. I will most definitely recommend this book to those I teach about diet and nutrition.

Now let’s hear from Mimi herself:

“Why did I write this book? I wrote this book because I know that many people suffer because of all kinds of health problems and often these problems are diet related. Obviously, not always. But I wrote this book for those people who suffer from health problems due to diet related issues. My diet may be suitable for anyone who suffers from gut problems, food allergies, food intolerance and chemical sensitivities.

In addition, many conditions such as chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, Lupus, Lyme, diverticulitis, and various other health problems and even menopausal symptoms are relieved when all allergens are taken out of the diet or minimized as much as possible.

I hope that my low reactive diet will give my readers the inspiration, in collaboration with their health professionals, to come up with their own variation suited to their situation.”

Here’s the link to Mimi’s book. CLICK

5.0 out of 5 stars I’m ready to put my spare room up for rent!

Our daughter has happily used Airbnb accommodations for years, so I was interested in the behind-the-scenes story on how someone becomes an Airbnb host.

AirbnbRead my review here:

I’m ready to put my spare room up for rent!

By Deidre J. Edwards on November 3, 2015

Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

Sally takes the reader on the journey she and her husband took–all of the thinking, emotions, planning, and how to avoid any pitfalls in this delightful, easy-to-read guide to all things Airbnb!

So many people are downsized out of a job, or long for a form of self-employment that will actually PAY for something. You can succeed with your dream of adding extra income to the family coffers with this guide by your side! She has already done all of the leg work and research for the reader–she has done all of the heavy lifting–all the reader has to do is follow her lead and profit!

From an exploration of different motivators for Airbnb hosts, to an understanding who the ideal client would be for your location, this guide leaves nothing out from the process. There’s how to communicate with clients, how to prepare the home/room, safety tips, legal issues, problem solving tips, and worthy resources for further study. Rest assured, by reading this book, you will be well-prepared on all aspects of launching your own Airbnb career with your eyes wide open!

Here’s what Sally has to say:

After my daughter was born, I left Corporate America to be a stay-at-home mom. We took a drop in family income. We no longer had a cushion to pay for the “luxuries.” Things like a family vacation, a new car, or home improvements. Saving for retirement was completely off our radar. I also missed the freedom and success that came from earning an income of my own. Yet, I knew I wanted to be a full-time mom to my kids. So I made a decision: I’d be a stay-at-home mom and earn a side income.

Since then, I’ve started a local business, built affiliate websites, created an online course, conducted user testing, sold used items, offered freelance services, and more. All in my “spare” time. Some of these things worked out… and some didn’t. In my book, Make Money On Airbnb, I share one of my most successful ventures. I teach you exactly how we earn $2,500 a month renting out our home on Airbnb.

Here is the link to Sally’s book. CLICK

I am sharing another medically-related book with you because so many are searching for answers outside of a doctor’s office. Irene’s book underscores and amplifies everything I have written.

Read my review:

How to be your own patient advocate!Power of Ed. Pt.

By Deidre J. Edwards on November 12, 2015

Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

No one should EVER go into a doctor’s office without some kind of education about health; and especially, how different diseases can be treated by alternative methods. If getting educated about self-care is something new for you, Irene’s book is a great start!

From my own experience with a daughter who was an undiagnosed celiac for a decade, I knew immediately from reading about the author’s daughter what the problem was. Anytime you can learn something new about non-celiac gluten sensitivity, it’s a great thing; and I encourage potential readers to learn from this easy-to-read resource!

Irene follows many different patients as they bounce around the medical system looking for answers when the answers were in plain sight. Just look at the table of contents which covers most of today’s prevalent conditions and buy this book immediately! Really, I just kept nodding my head in agreement as I read case-after-case; and how in each one, a treatment was found – often from outside of the mainstream medical community – and patients’ lives were changed for the better.

If you are dealing with any of the diseases mentioned in this book, please read! As a retired RN, I have seen similar things many times. We as patients MUST come to the doctor’s office with a knowledge base, and you can get that here!

Irene shares her thoughts:

This information-packed reference book offers the wisdom, strategies, and stories of over 20 health experts who started their professional paths after overcoming their own health challenges. Unable to find solutions within the conventional medical system, my storytellers embarked on their own health journeys and discovered alternative healing strategies that allowed them to heal. These people share their proven tactics and fundamental principles that guided them to recovery, they empower us by illuminating the path they took, so we can apply what they learned to our own health and well-being.

This book is designed to educate and empower the reader as a patient.

As an empowered patient we become our own best health advocates!

As our own health advocates – we determine and choose what works best for us from both alternative and conventional medicine, and propel our road to recovery, vibrant health and joyful life!

The book has been endorsed by such gurus in the health and wellness world, as Bernie Siegel (a great surgeon, and NY bestselling author recognized as one of the Top 20 Spiritually Influential Living People on the Planet), Jamie Reno (author, award-winning investigative reporter, global patient advocate, and three-time cancer survivor), Burton Goldberg (publisher, producer, and author of 18 books on alternative health), Kenneth R. Blanchard (an exceptional MD and author), and a number of other outstanding authors and health practitioners.

Here’s the link to Irene’s book. CLICK


I love children’s books that have built in value and life lessons!

Read my review for Sheree Alderman’s book:

GeorgiChristmas Classic in the making that can be read all year long.

By Deidre J. Edwards on February 28, 2015

Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

Her first book is a new Christmas Classic to be enjoyed all year round! This mindful tale of Georgi, a camel, helps children identify with growing up, lasting friendships, and finding one’s calling. Families should read this aloud every Christmas, right next to, Twas the Night Before Christmas! Discovering one’s destiny, having faith to step forward, and the sweet reward of having done a job well, are but a few of the life lessons Alderman helps children discover. Well written, great story line, and easy to read, with a rich vocabulary to stretch young minds.

Let’s hear from Sheree:

Georgi Who Saw the Angel is not just a holiday story… It is a rainy day… snowy day… grandparent’s day… mom and dad day…stay in bed day…any kind of day… journey where you will meet the most unloved, unwanted, and unimportant little camel named Georgi, and see how he becomes the priceless servant of a very high-ranking king. Georgi is blessed by God to lead the smallest parade of believers to the biggest event in human history.

Here is the link to Sheree’s book. CLICK

Hope you have found our first Foodtalk4you Book Fair to be interesting and that you have found some titles you would like to read or pass along to a friend.

Definitely food for thought and food for action!
